HSCD Study Committee

Harvard Square and subway head house 1949

The District Study process of 2017-2019 has concluded. View the final report and amended district order here: 

(scroll down to view meeting materials for each meeting)


The Cambridge Historical Commission voted on March 2, 2017 to initiate a study process for the Harvard Square Conservation District to examine alternative and/or additional guidelines and procedures for the District as well as its current boundaries. A study committee to be appointed by the City Manager may also consider amendments to the Order that established the Harvard Square Conservation District in 2000 and to the Neighborhood Conservation District enabling ordinance.

The committee consists of three members or alternates of the Historical Commission and four other persons, including at least one resident of the district, at least one district property owner, and “one person who owns property or resides elsewhere in the City who has demonstrated knowledge and concern for conservation and enhancement of those exterior features of the City that are important to its distinctive character.”

All meetings will be open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend and participate. A schedule of meeting dates and location(s) will be mailed to property owners and posted online after the committee has been appointed.

Committee Members:

The City Manager has appointed the following seven individuals to serve as the Harvard Square Conservation District Study Committee: Christopher Angelakis, William Barry, Joseph Ferrara, Christopher Mackin, Jerry Murphy, Jessica Sculley, and Kyle Sheffield.

Though the number of appointments is limited to seven by the ordinance, sixteen people applied for appointment. All those who applied for appointment but who could not be included have been invited to participate in the working group. All meetings are open to the public, and we expect people representing a broad range of Cambridge constituencies will participate in the discussions and development of recommendations to the City Council. However, only the seven appointed members will be able to vote on any proposed changes to the Order establishing the district.”

Meeting Handouts and Background Materials: