Fascinating Fungi of Fresh Pond with Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation

2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Saturday, October 24, 2015

Catherine Pedemonti, friendsoffreshpond@yahoo.com

Location: Maynard Ecology Center, basement of Neville Place - 650 Concord Avenue

Mycologist Lawrence Millman has identified 251 mushroom species at Fresh Pond Reservation.   For the past eleven years he has led similar Fresh Pond mushroom forays that give participants the chance to add to this list as well as learn more about the world of fungi.   He'll also be selling (and signing!) copies of his beautiful book Fascinating Fungi of New England, the first guidebook devoted exclusively to New England mushrooms. To register and for important parking information, email Catherine Pedemonti at friendsoffreshpond@yahoo.com