Reviewing and Revisiting Fresh Pond Seasonal Phenomena

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Monday, December 14, 2015

Walter J. Sullivan Water Treatment Facility
250 Fresh Pond Pkwy.

Martine Wong,, 617-349-6489

Join us for an indoor review of Fresh Pond’s Natural and Cultural Happenings over 2015. Help make a calendar for the Ranger Station of 2016 of dates we’ll want  to remember to look or listen for ice moaning, owls calling to find a mate, firemen honing their ice diving skills, ice tinkling against the shore, trees budding, soil warming, witch hazel blooming, coyotes mating, migrating birds returning, geese nesting and raising young, grasses greening, school groups visiting, Fresh Pond Day, families picnicking…you get the picture. This is a program for people 14 and up who will enjoy a little bit of quiet in a busy month.   We’ll provide a template, crayons and markers.   Photograph our creation to make a calendar for yourself.   Contact Martine at to register.