Art Study Center Seminar: Rodolphe Bresdin

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Friday, December 11, 2015

Harvard Art Museums, 32 Quincy Street, Cambridge MA

Rodolphe Bresdin (1822–1885), one of the most visionary and eccentric graphic artists of the 19th century, created drawings and prints, products of a quirky imagination that verges on the macabre, the exotic, and the fantastic. This seminar, led by Edouard Kopp, the Maida and George Abrams Associate Curator of Drawings, and Anne Driesse, Conservator of Works of Art on Paper, will explore the art historical and technical aspects of Bresdin’s originality by studying select works from our collections.

Free admission, but capacity is limited to 15 and registration is recommended. To register, please email