Electric Vehicle Charging Public Meeting
5:30 PM Thursday, June 13, 2024
City Wide
Charlie Creagh, ccreagh@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-9167
Please join us for the annual Electric Vehicle Charging Community Meeting. Join City staff from the Community Development Department and Department of Public Works to hear updates on upcoming electric vehicle charging locations. Please use this link to register for the meeting. You will receive an email with instructions on how to join this virtual Zoom webinar. The meeting will provide updates on:
- Construction schedule and upcoming locations: we anticipate building charging stations this summer and fall at Little Mass Ave, Berkshire St, Saint Mary Rd, and Fresh Pond.
- Funding: including securing federal funding and MassDEP / Eversource funding.
- Future locations: A map of locations where the City may build future stations.
- Public feedback: on the City's goals to provide electric vehicle charging in the public way.