Planning Board Adopts Rule Change

4/25/20168 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 8 years ago.

Cambridge Planning Board

At its meeting on March 22, 2016, the Planning Board amended their rules to require more robust community engagement for large development projects. The changes came following many months of discussion among the Planning Board, city staff and community members to improve community participation in the development review process.

Developments that require special permits from the Planning Board, which include most projects larger than 50,000 square feet and many smaller projects, will have to conduct outreach to nearby neighbors and abutters and hold at least one community meeting prior to submitting a special permit application. The application must include a report on the outreach process and how the proposal responds to community feedback that was received.

The new rules also require developers to bring a physical model of proposed new buildings to their Planning Board public hearing, in order to show the scale of new development in the context of the surrounding area.

For More Information

You can find the new rules and other information about the Planning Board at the link below. For questions about the Planning Board contact Liza Paden, Planning Board Administrator, at 617/349-4647 or

Learn more about the Planning Board.