2013 News
Listen to staff from DPW, Traffic and Parking, CDD and the Livable Streets Alliance talk about the important of complete streets in Cambridge.
Learn about new workshops that Community Development is offering to Cambridge entrepreneurs.
Biogen Idec has partnered with the City of Cambridge to host a new Hubway Station at 6th and Binney Streets.
All you have to bring is yourself and a willingness to learn. We'll go over the basics of urban cycling, maintenance and the rules of the road. Choose the courses you'd like to take. All are free.
Applications for PARKing Day 2013 due Tuesday, August 13th
Boston Biomedical, Inc (BBI), a biotech company with a mission to develop the next generation of targeted cancer therapeutics, hosted its grand opening event this week in Cambridge
The Cambridge Energy Alliance is giving away free smart power strips to residents and businesses that fill out a survey.
The City Council recently adopted an updated set of zoning regulations for bicycle parking .
Hubway reaches 2 years and one million rides!
Within less than two years’ time, Hubway hit 1 million rides on the afternoon of Saturday, July 13 marking a significant milestone for the ever-expanding system.
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