2016 News

  • 8/2/2016

    Cambridge Business Development Workshops

    Thinking about starting a business? Interested in learning new tools to grow your current business? Take a workshop!

  • 7/28/2016

    Housing Information Session August 9

    Come to an informal session to learn about the City's affordable Rental and Homeownership Programs on Tuesday, August 9

  • 7/12/2016

    Housing Information Session July 28

    Come to an informal session to learn about the City's Affordable Rental and Homeownership Programs at City Hall Annex on July 28

  • 7/12/2016

    Contra-flow Bicycle Lane at Main Street and Third Street

    Contra-flow bicycle lanes are bicycle lanes designed to allow bicyclists to ride in the opposite direction of motor vehicle traffic. They convert a one-way street into a two-way street: one direction for motor vehicles and bicycles, and the other for bicycles only. Such facilities provide more direct connections for people on bicycle.

  • 6/29/2016

    Summer Bicycle Education Workshops Announced

    Join the City of Cambridge for a free bicycle education workshop this summer.

  • 6/28/2016

    Housing Information Sessions July 11

    Come to an informal session to learn about the City's Affordable Rental and Homeownership Programs

  • 6/20/2016

    Living Wage Survey

    Cambridge business owners: give us your feedback on a new living wage program.

  • 6/10/2016

    Design Concepts for New Parks in Eastern Cambridge

    The City of Cambridge will be holding a public meeting to discuss design concepts for the new Binney Street Park and Triangle Park in eastern Cambridge.

  • 6/3/2016

    New Development Log Available

    The Development Log, published quarterly, tracks large-scale residential and commercial development projects currently in the permitting or construction phases in the City of Cambridge.

  • 6/1/2016

    Housing Information Sessions June 21

    Come to an informal session to learn about the City's Affordable Rental and Homeownership Programs on Tuesday June 21 at the Cambridge Library

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