Unless a branch is specified in the title, all programs happen at the Main Library
Programs hosted by the Library provide an opportunity for civic dialogue, conversation, and learning, which includes exploring a wide-range of views. Programs do not constitute an endorsement of beliefs by the Library, Library staff, the Library's Board of Trustees, or the City of Cambridge.
Displaying 1 results
6:30 PM
O'Connell Branch, 48 Sixth St., Cambridge, MA 02141
August selection: Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton
Reading Interests: We read mostly contemporary fiction and non-fiction, with forays into older works and classics. Past selections include Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin, Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt, and Rough Sleepers by Tracy Kidder.
How to get the print book: Copies of the book are set aside at the O'Connell Branch. Visit during open hours and a staff member can help you check out a copy. Click here for O'Connell Branch Hours.
How to get the ebook: This month’s book is available as an ebook through Libby.
This book group meets in person at the O'Connell Branch. Light refreshments will be provided. No registration is needed; drop-ins are welcome! For more information call 617-349-4019.
Page was last modified on 12/2/2024 7:33 PM