Unless a branch is specified in the title, all programs happen at the Main Library
Programs hosted by the Library provide an opportunity for civic dialogue, conversation, and learning, which includes exploring a wide-range of views. Programs do not constitute an endorsement of beliefs by the Library, Library staff, the Library's Board of Trustees, or the City of Cambridge.
Displaying 29 results
9:00 AM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
The STEAM Rises listening gallery offers an immersive exploration into the world of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) in Cambridge. This gallery showcases curated audio samples from our STEAM Habits of Mind research study and the STEAM Rises podcast series, designed to inspire and inform.
9:00 AM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Explore ideas about history, policy, technology and identity in the genomic age by playing Take Your Stance. Participants will explore current and emerging issues in science and biotechnology and the ethical and social implications of new developments in our world. Learn about hot topics in genetics like gene editing, de-extinction, and ancestry testing, and share your opinions on the topics with a partner. Add your voice to the community conversation!
10:00 AM
Main Library, Rey Room, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Just for you and the baby! Enjoy time together with other parents, caregivers and babies to learn, play, and develop language and motor skills. Recommended for 0 to 12 months.
Come prepared to sit on the floor one-on-one with your baby in your lap. This program can accommodate 15 babies and their caregivers. Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis on the day of the program. The entire party must be present to receive a ticket. This program starts promptly. Unclaimed seats will be offered to someone waiting. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please call 617-349-4038 for more information.
10:00 AM
Main Library, Community Room, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Join us in this twelve-week Tai Chi Paradigm practice, which focuses on the mind and body connection. Tai Chi is a fluid sequence of movements choreographed in a low impact routine.
Sifu Mynor Diaz has been learning and teaching Tai Chi classes for over 20 years. This is an in-person event.
Due to the popularity of Sifu Diaz's classes, we expect participants to attend all sessions and participation in this program will be decided by lottery. Registration opens Wednesday, August 7 at 9AM through Wednesday, August 21 at 5PM to enter. Participants selected will be notified on Friday, August 23.
Each patron that is interested in participating is placed on the waitlist. Those names will constitute the pool from which 15 names will be drawn randomly.
Sponsored by the Cambridge Public Library Foundation
10:30 AM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at a beginner level. No testing is needed.
For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.
10:30 AM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us for a half-hour of stories in the Children's Room. For ages birth-5 with caregivers.
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact us at library@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4032 (voice), or via relay at 711.
11:00 AM
O'Connell Branch, 48 Sixth St., Cambridge, MA 02141
Bring your project and enjoy the company of other fiber crafters
Drop-in with this informal group to work on your craft, get inspired, pick up skills and socialize. Knit, embroider, crochet, spin, mend, cross stitch and more. All crafts are welcome!
11:00 AM
Main Library, Curious George Room, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
It's a Library dance party! All ages.
This program can accommodate 130 people. Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis on the day of the program. The entire party must be present to receive a ticket. This program starts promptly, and any unclaimed seats will be offered to someone waiting. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please call 617-349-4038 for more information.
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact us at library@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4032 (voice), or via relay at 711.
12:00 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Discover the ultimate in-home climate control with heat pumps! These versatile systems not only provide efficient heating and cooling throughout the year but also enhance indoor air quality while significantly reducing fossil fuel emissions. Join us to delve into the mechanics of heat pumps, explore their myriad benefits, and learn how you can receive invaluable support through the City of Cambridge’s Electrify Cambridge program. Whether you own a condo or resources are available to assist you. Renters, don’t miss our tailored Wednesday Lunch & Learn session designed just for you! Let’s embark on the journey to electrify your home for year-round comfort and sustainability.
1:00 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Learn how to create your favorite game piece in digital space and print it out using our Prusa 3D printers.
Before taking this workshop:
Complete Hive Safety Training
Create a free Tinkercad account at www.tinkercad.com
You will get hands-on experience running the 3D printer, gain fundamental 3D modeling skills using Tinkercad, and earn your 3D Printing badge for future reservations in The Hive.
Create a Tinkercad account at www.tinkercad.com prior to arriving. Parents may need to assist users under the age of 18 to create an account prior to arriving.
You must complete Hive Safety Training before registering for this workshop.
1:00 PM
O'Neill Branch, 70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Conversation Practice. This conversation group is for those with an intermediate or high level of English language skill. No testing is required.
For more information on other ESOL classes, please call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.
1:00 PM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Looking for assistance creating a resume or looking for jobs? Join us at the Central Square Branch Library (45 Pearl St.) for assistance with resumes, job hunting, and online applications. Support will be available from 1-3 p.m. No registration is required.
For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.
2:00 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Experience The Clock of the Long Now in this gallery exhibition. The Clock of the Long Now is being built by the Long Now Foundation inside a remote mountain in West Texas. It's designed to keep accurate time for 10,000 years. It's powered by the temperature change from day to night and synchronized to the correct time by a beam of sunlight that shines deep into the mountain. It's entirely mechanical, with a mechanism hundreds of feet tall.
2:30 PM
O'Neill Branch, 70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
This week's Wednesdays of Wonder will be special, in honor of the Cambridge Science Festival!
Families are invited to join us for a drop-in creative coding workshop using OctoStudio, a new app developed by the team behind Scratch. We will take inspiration from our favorite books to create an animation with your favorite character, put yourself inside a fantastical setting, make a game inspired by the story, and much more!
Devices will be provided. No registration required. Adults are encouraged to participate alongside their children!
3:00 PM
Valente Branch, 826 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA 02141
Join us at the Valente Branch to create and design your own mini theatres with Crankies! These take and make kits will be available to use at home or in the library while supplies last.
3:30 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Have you checked out The Hive yet? Teens are welcome to come learn about our space and try their hand at sticker making, video recording in our studio and more. This is a drop-in event designed for patrons ages 12-18.
3:30 PM
Boudreau Branch, 245 Concord Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138
Come to our paper weaving workshop to learn how to make a beautiful bookmark you’ll be using for years to come! This is event is for school-aged children and their caretakers, and is open to walk-ins while supplies last.
For more information, contact Michael at mmcglathery@cambridgema.gov.
3:30 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Innovators for Purpose (iFp) Studio is a teen-powered design and innovation program where teens channel their energy and creative vision to imagine and build a better world. Blending art, design, science, technology, and storytelling within a social justice framework, teens engage in real-world client-sponsored projects. Teens are invited to learn more on the iFp website and submit an application .
4:00 PM
O'Connell Branch, 48 Sixth St., Cambridge, MA 02141
Read with Bowie the Therapy Dog from Pets & People! Therapy dogs provide warm and non-judgmental reading companions for new or experienced readers of all ages. Registration for each 10-minute time slot is required and begins a week in advance. Sign up by phone or in person at the O'Connell Branch (617-349-4019).
4:00 PM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Dive into our collection of STEAM Kits and find your new favorite! This program is for children ages 5+ and their caregivers.
4:00 PM
Main Library, Curious George Room, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Think you have what it takes to build an unsinkable ship? Join us for some stories and then we will build boats out of tin foil. If your boat floats we'll add weight to see how much they can hold!
For children ages 5 and up and their caregivers. Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis on the day of the program.
5:00 PM
Main Library, Teen Room, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Need help with a class? Have a question before an exam? Tutors are available to help you! Cambridge School Volunteers and the Library are pleased to offer tutoring services in the Teen Room. No registration required. Stop by the Teen Room or call 617-349-4027 to learn more.
5:30 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Learn about the Net Zero Transportation Plan (NZTP) being created by The City of Cambridge to use only renewable energy by 2035 and reach zero emissions by 2050. This plan will help remove greenhouse gas emissions from transportation in Cambridge and help the community fight climate change.
5:30 PM
O'Neill Branch, 70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
Join herbalist Mo Katz-Christy for a stroll about North Cambridge to meet the plants in our neighborhood! We will explore botany and medicinal uses and have lots of space for questions and conversation.
5:30 PM
O'Connell Branch, 48 Sixth St., Cambridge, MA 02141
We invite children and their caregivers to join us for a special evening story time event: learning fun things about the lives of scientists like Marie Curie, Tu Youyou, and George Washington Carver. This program will be held indoors at the O'Connell Branch Library. No registration is required. Please call 617-349-4019 for more information.
6:00 PM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us for a book discussion and hangout each month as we read books that celebrate the LGBTQIA+ experience. All readers age 10-13 welcome! Registration is required. For questions, email hsaxton@cambridgema.gov.
This month we're reading Lunar Boy by Jes and Cin Wibowo (HarperCollins, 2024).
Copies of the book are available at the Central Square Branch Children's Desk.
Pizza will be provided!
6:30 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Transgender patients with genetic mutations such as BRCA or Lynch syndrome face unique challenges in the medical world. From the hyperfemininity of breast cancer activism, to the effects of anti-trans laws on preventative surgery, and the lack of research pertaining to transgender cancer patients, this panel will discuss a variety of topics. Recent research on how gender-affirming care impacts cancer treatment will be presented, along with a variety of personal accounts and how we can move forward in supporting transgender hereditary cancer patients. Please note this panel will discuss transphobia and cancer.
6:30 PM
Main Library, Lecture Hall, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
The Science Story Slam (3S) is an annual invitation to all US high schoolers to share 5-minute-long stories about STEM and compete for $5000 in total prizes. These could be stories set in fictional scenarios that explain a scientific concept, or gripping accounts of how a scientific discovery came about, or more personal memoirs of how the pursuit of science has impacted the storyteller.
7:30 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Learn about science through beaded artwork and a chemical structure beading workshop. Dr Megan Stasik Harrison invites you to explore the molecular, the subatomic, and the conceptual using beads and string. Learn to conjure the abstract into the tangible world through making! In this workshop, Megan will teach you how to use glass bugle beads and seed beads to recreate your favorite chemical structure.
Page was last modified on 12/2/2024 7:33 PM