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Planning Board Special Permits

This page contains digital copies of application materials, supporting documents, hearing notices, and decisions for Planning Board special permit cases. View an interactive map of special permit cases

For more information email cddzoning@cambridgema.gov.

Displaying 101-125 of 404 results
Case Number Location / Name Status Latest Meeting
PB-211 173 Pearl Street Built None Available
PB-232 MIT 500 Main Street Built 12/18/2007
PB-324 907 Main Street Built 10/3/2017
PB-234 Fresh Pond Seafood / Parkway Built 1/22/2008
PB-235 114 Mt.Auburn St
(Conductor's Building)
Built 9/9/2008
PB-236 160/180 CambridgePark Drive Built 10/21/2008
PB-212 380 Green Street Built None Available
PB-325 98 Winthrop Street
(Healthy Pharms, Inc. RMD Cannabis)
Built 2/28/2017
PB-237 1924 Mass Avenue
(Porter Square Hotel)
Built None Available
PB-326 211 Concord Turnpike
(Lanes & Games)
Built 2/21/2017
PB-238 650 Main Street Built 11/22/2022
PB-327 74 Holworthy Street Built 3/7/2017
PB-239 7 Cameron Ave/ 2419 Mass Ave Built 9/22/2009
PB-328 Charlestown Ave at North Point Boulevard
Built 6/6/2017
PB-240 625 Putnam Avenue Built 9/8/2009
PB-213 16-18 Bellis Circle Built None Available
PB-241 St.James Church
Built 8/9/2022
PB-242 49 Cedar Street Built 1/5/2010
PB-331 1385 Cambridge Street
(Commonwealth Alternative Care, Inc. RMD Cannabis)
Built 11/14/2017
PB-332 121-169 Vassar Street
(MIT Dorm)
Built 12/5/2017
PB-244 Lincoln Way Built 2/16/2010
PB-333 114 Inman Street Built 1/16/2018
PB-245 545 Cambridge Street Built None Available
PB-334 24 Brattle Street
(Abbot Building)
Built 9/20/2022
PB-246 106 and 296 Vassar Street
(MIT Wind Turbine)
Built 3/16/2010
Page was last modified on 5/10/2024 12:20 PM
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