Summer in the City: Kendall Square Association Movie Night featuring Big Joe the Storyteller

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Alexandria Technology Square Lawn, Main St. and Technology Sq., Cambridge

Contact:, 617-349-4380

FREE outdoor puppetry performance and movie screening.

Big Joe the Storyteller and his trusty assistant Robo Big Joe presents “Reuse and Never Lose," a collection of tales from all around the world and all through time about recycling for conservation and innovation.

MOVIE HINT: The last robot on earth spends his days organizing trash until he falls in love and finds the key to saving humanity.

Presented through Cambridge Arts' Summer in the City performance series and in partnership with the Kendall Square Association. Summer in the City offers a wide array of FREE, multicultural, interactive arts programs, performances, and activities both day and night for children, families, and the entire community. The full performance schedule can be viewed here.