Cambridge Firefighters complete the HazMat Technician training program
3/28/2023 • 1 year ago
The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 1 year ago.
Congratulations to all the firefighters & fire officers who completed the rigorous 80 hour IAFF HazMat Tech program, which was delivered in Cambridge and ended on March 24th.
The program taught by the IAFF (International Association of Firefighters) instructors included classroom & hands-on skills. Skills included chemistry, physics, tactics & strategy, control of unwanted hazardous materials release (liquid & gas) in various scenarios, rescue of simulated victims, decontamination, and much more. Much of the hands-on skills were effected in full PPE (personal protective equipment) or fully encapsulated HazMat suits while breathing via SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus).
The class included 19 firefighters and fire officers from Cambridge Fire, as well as 4 from Brookline Fire, an 2 from Boston Fire.
Thank you to the instructors for sharing the knowledge & enthusiasm. Thanks to Cambridge Fire Special Operations and Safety staff for facilitating the training program.
Nice job by everyone!