Engine 8 places new pump into service

11/25/20242 months ago

Engine 8 pump - 2020 PIerce - 1

Engine Company No. 8 - 2020 Pierce Enforcer

Engine Company No. 8 placed their "new" pump in service on Thursday, November 21, 2024.
This pump is a 2020 Pierce Enforcer, 1250 gpm (gallons per minute) with 500 gallon water tank, the former Engine 2 pump.


Thank you to the members of Engine 8, group 2 for the changeover and special thanks to the Tech Services Fleet Management mechanics for fully upgrading and prepping the apparatus for service.


Engine 8 has been faithfully protecting our city since 1905.


Engine 8 pump - 2020 PIerce - 2
Engine 8, group 2 - changing over to the new pump and loading new 4", 2 1/2", & 1 3/4" hose onto the apparatus


Engine 8 pump - 2020 PIerce - 3
Changing over from the old (left) to the new (right)