Displaying 3 results
11:00 AM
O'Neill Branch, 70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
Join Sheryl White of Baby Kneads for an introduction to sign language for caregivers and babies. In this one-hour class, participants will:
Learn the benefits of signing with babies
Learn and practice several signs
Watch the instructor sign with your baby
Learn how to teach American Sign Language to your child
This program is appropriate for babies two months of age or older and pre-verbal. The program can accommodate 15 babies and their caregivers; multiple caregivers are welcome. Please contact the Library if you will be bringing more than one child, including an older sibling.
Registration is required and begins on Monday, December 30. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please call 617-349-4023 for more information.
Funding for this program has been generously provided by the Cambridge Public Library Foundation.
1:00 PM
O'Neill Branch, 70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Conversation Practice. This conversation group is for those with an intermediate or high level of English language skill. No testing is required.
For more information on other ESOL classes, please call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.
2:30 PM
O'Neill Branch, 70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
Come to the Library for games and a different activity each week! Kids of all ages can hang out and do crafts or STEAM activities. No registration required.
This week we will be doing activities inspired by characters from Mo Willems' books!
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM