Displaying 7 results
10:30 AM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us for a new hour-long program, featuring thirty minutes of songs and stories and thirty minutes of open play! No tickets required. This program is recommended for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
11:00 AM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at an intermediate level. No testing is needed.
For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.
1:00 PM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at an high beginner level. No testing is needed.. For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.
3:00 PM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at an advanced level. No testing is needed.. For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.
4:00 PM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Bring your project and come join other fiber crafters in your community! Crochet, sew, embroider, knit, cross stitch, spin, mend, and more at this informal drop-in fiber arts circle. All crafts are welcome!
5:30 PM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us in the Children's Room for some fun stories and songs to help wind down your day. Recommended for ages 0-5. For more information call the Central Square Branch Children's Room at 617-349-4012.
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact us at, 617-349-4032 (voice), or via relay at 711.
6:00 PM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join Central Square's new cookbook club. This month, we're cooking from À Table: Recipes for Cooking and Eating the French Way by Rebekah Peppler. Bring a dish to share or just come to talk about your experience with this cookbook.
Copies are available for pickup at the Branch.
For questions, email Ruby (
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM