7B Resident Permit Parking
Street segments designated for Resident Permit Parking only.
7A No Parking Hours Tow-Away Zone
Street segments where parking is prohibited during hours specified.
7 No Parking Hours
This Schedule has been discontinued. Pease see Schedule 7A.
6E Reserved Parking Tow-Away Zone
Parking spaces reserved for purposes other than for handicapped parking.
6D Handicapped Parking Tow-Away Zone
Residents can apply to have a parking space reserved for handicapped parking in front of their residence. Spaces can also be added in commercial areas where needed.
6A No Parking Anytime Tow-Away Zone
Areas where parking is prohibited.
6 No Parking Anytime - Driveway Clearance
Residents can request a small No Parking Zone around their driveway, which is commonly called "driveway clearance."
5 Through Streets
The Through Street regulation has been deleted. This is a record of streets once designated as Through Streets.
4B No Bicycles On Sidewalks
Bicycle riding is not permitted on sidewalks in the areas on this list.
4A No Turn On Red
A list of intersections and their approaches from which a right turn on a red signal is not permitted at any time. Right turn on red is allowed after making a full stop and yielding to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic unless a NO TURN ON RED sign is posted.