We've made updates to 15 layers in our GIS Data Dictionary.
Explore the 72 projects that have been funded through Participatory Budgeting with the PB Winning Projects Map!
The Fresh Pond Census Report summarizes usership data around Fresh Pond Reservation pathways. This story map contains numerous dashboards, metrics, and other key indicators to help summarize the usership data.
We've made updates to 4 layers in our GIS Data Dictionary.
This Summer Food Programs Map shows the locations for the 2024 Cambridge Summer Food Program. The Cambridge Summer Food Program provides free breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals to Cambridge youth ages 18 and younger.
We've made updates to 6 layers in our GIS Data Dictionary.
We've made updates to 6 layers in our GIS Data Dictionary.
Find poems throughout the city via our Sidewalk Poetry Map.
The LGBTQ+ Youth Out-of-School Time Programs is an informational and best practices guide to help you understand the importance of LGBTQ+ inclusion and provide you with some tools to support inclusion in your OST program and/or organization.
Follow the Handsome Harry Hanson Tour and learn about the exciting exploits of Harry Havelock Hanson, as recorded in his calendar entries between 1891 and 1919.