Displaying 4 results
10:00 AM
The Secret Gardens of Cambridge is back for another year! Join the Friends of the Cambridge Public Library on Sunday, June 9, 2024 for a self-guided tour across Cambridge.
Since 2000, the Friends have been uncovering secret gardens in neighborhoods all across the city and inviting our friends and neighbors to take a peek! Find out more here!
Buy your ticket now!
12:00 PM
Cambridge Common
Navigation Games teaches orienteering as a fun way to get exercise and use your brain!
2:00 PM
Main Library, Community Room, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Join us at Joan Lorentz Park today, from 2-4 p.m. to celebrate Loving Day Cambridge, an event commemorating the 1967 Supreme Court decision that interracial marriages could not be banned by any state.
The event will include music, refreshments, games, and activities for adults and children. This program is free. Presented by Cambridge Citizens Committee on Civic Unity, the Cambridge Peace Commission, and the Cambridge Public Library.
2:00 PM
Joan Lorentz Park (Adjacent to Cambridge Public Library), 449 Broadway, Cambridge MA.
Loving Day commemorates the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that permitted interracial marriage in all states.
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM