The Crime Analysis Unit carefully reviews all information--including crime reports, calls for service, arrest reports, and notices from other agencies--received by the police department, looking for crime phenomena such as series, sprees, hot spots, and trends. Once such a problem is identified, the Unit disseminates this information to the rest of the department. Patrol and investigative commanders use this information to develop strategies to address any emerging or ongoing crime problems. Crime Analysis involves the study of crime patterns and trends affecting a jurisdiction.
Unit Products include:
- Annual and Quarterly Crime Reports, written for the public as well as the police department, and available on our Publications page.
- Daily Crime Bulletin, a compilation of serious crimes, patterns, and other information, available only to police personnel.
- A customized crime analysis database.
- Frequent Command Staff Crime Briefings
- Neighborhood reviews for Neighborhood Sergeants Meetings.
- Other maps, notices, bulletins, and reviews on demand.
- BridgeStat, a monthly public reported detailing crime and disorder issues in the City as well as police and citizen responses.;
The Cambridge Crime Analysis Unit is proud to belong to the Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts and the International Association of Crime Analysts, two organizations dedicated to advancing and professionalizing the use of crime analysis in police agencies.