FY2015 Parcel Map Index

GIS File Name



This layer contains polygons that split the City of Cambridge into 286 city blocks. Each block boundary is associated with an Assessors map, and a group of parcels. Each individual parcel has a map and lot associated to it. The 'map' refers to one of these blocks, the 'lot' is the tax parcel within the block.


Created for reference purposes for the Assessing Department to group contiguous or geographically grouped parcels bounded by street centerlines.

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Name Type Details Description
PCIX_NO type: String
width: 6
precision: 0
Block number
BSIZE_MAP_SCALE type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 10
Scaling for 11 x 17 maps
BSIZE_INCH_TO_FOOT type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 10
Scaling for 11 x 17 maps
DSIZE_MAP_SCALE type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 10
Scaling for D size maps
DSIZE_INCH_TO_FOOT type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 10
Scaling for D size maps
ROTATION type: Double
width: 8
precision: 38
Rotation angle for 11" x 17" map set
SHAPE.STAREA() type: Double
width: 0
precision: 0
Area of feature in internal units squared.
SHAPE.STLENGTH() type: Double
width: 0
precision: 0
Length of feature in internal units.

Coordinate System

NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001 Feet


This data is made available under the Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0 whose full text can be found at: https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/.