Bike Facilities

GIS File Name



This line layer indicates streets within the City of Cambridge that have pavement markings or construction features that facilitate bicycle use. It also contains multi-purpose paths where bicycles can be used off the street.


Created for planning purposes, map making, and for public distribution.

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Name Type Details Description
LENGTH type: Double
width: 8
precision: 19
Length of feature in internal units.
STREET type: String
width: 40
precision: 0
Street name
ST_TYPE type: String
width: 20
precision: 0
Street type
COMMENTS type: String
width: 50
precision: 0
BIKE_FAC type: SmallInteger
width: 2
precision: 5
Bicycle facility code


Value Description
0 No existing facility; see PBIKE_FAC for planned facility
1 Bike Lane on both sides of a two-way street
2 Edge Line on both sides of a two-way street
3 Contra-flow
4 Grade-Separated Bike Lane on both sides of a two-way street
5 Bike Path/Multi-Use Path
6 Shared Lane Pavement Marking on both sides of a two-way street
7 Shared Street on both sides of a two-way street
8 Separated Bike Lane on both sides of a two-way street
9 Buffered Bike Lane on both sides of a two-way street
10 Bus/Bike Lane on both sides of a two-way street
11 Bike Lane on one side of a two-way street
12 Bike Lane on a one-way street
22 Edge Line on a one-way street
41 Grade-Separated Bike Lane on one side of a two-way street
42 Grade-Separated Bike Lane on a one-way street
61 Shared Lane Pavement Marking on one side of a two-way street
62 Shared Lane Pavement Marking on a one-way street
72 Shared Street on a one-way street
81 Separated Bike Lane on one side of a two-way street
82 Separated Bike Lane on a one-way street
83 Separated Bike Lane with Contra-flow
91 Buffered Bike Lane on one side of a two-way street
101 Bus/Bike Lane on one side of a two-way street
PBIKE_FAC type: SmallInteger
width: 2
precision: 5
Planned bicycle facility code


Value Description
0 No existing facility
1 Planned Bike Lane on both sides of a two-way street
2 Planned Edge Line on both sides of a two-way street
3 Planned Contra-flow
4 Planned Grade-Separated Bike Lane on both sides of a two-way street
5 Planned Bike Path/Multi-Use Path
6 Planned Shared Lane Pavement Marking on both sides of a two-way street
7 Planned Shared Street on both sides of a two-way street
8 Planned Separated Bike Lane on both sides of a two-way street
9 Planned Buffered Bike Lane on both sides of a two-way street
10 Planned Bus/Bike Lane on both sides of a two-way street
11 Planned Bike Lane on one side of a two-way street
12 Planned Bike Lane on a one-way street
22 Planned Edge Line on a one-way street
41 Planned Grade-Separated Bike Lane on one side of a two-way street
42 Planned Grade-Separated Bike Lane on a one-way street
61 Planned Shared Lane Pavement Marking on one side of a two-way street
62 Planned Shared Lane Pavement Marking on a one-way street
72 Planned Shared Street on a one-way street
81 Planned Separated Bike Lane on one side of a two-way street
82 Planned Separated Bike Lane on a one-way street
83 Planned Separated Bike Lane with Contra-flow
91 Planned Buffered Bike Lane on one side of a two-way street
101 Planned Bus/Bike Lane on one side of a two-way street
EDITOR type: String
width: 8
precision: 0
GIS editor

Coordinate System

NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001 Feet