2010 Cambridge Orthophoto
GIS File Name
This layer contains a 3 inch pixel resolution orthophoto of the City of Cambridge created from a April 14, 2010 flyover. Imagery was taken at an altitude of approximately 3,330 feet to acquire 1” = 300’ scale photography.
The orthophoto was flown for the City of Cambridge. Aerial photos were taken in 2010 by Keystone Aerial Surveys, Inc of Philadelphia, PA for Infotech Enterprises America of Sterling, VA. This was flyover was the first digital photography used by the City to create a 1” = 40’ GIS database.
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Coordinate System
NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001 Feet
This data is made available under the Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0 whose full text can be found at: https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/.