1992 Census of Retailers

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SIC CodeType of BusinessNumber of EstabsReceipts ($1,000)Annual Payroll ($1,000)1st Quarter Payroll ($1,000)Paid Employees
52Building Materials, Hardware, Garden Supply16224204214978175
53General Merchandise (dept. stores, variety stores)171581891805444371278
54Food Stores1071862682619064711757
55, except 554Auto Dealers, Auto Supply Stores6432062765627166
554Gasoline Service Stations29340351699444116
56Apparel and Accessory Stores1151172061310030321165
57Furniture, Home Furnishings and Equipment (appliances, TVs, etc.)8294070111542722685
58Eating and Drinking Places33519047855742134555284
591Drug and Proprietary Stores244503255181278374
59, except 591Miscellaneous Retail Stores2201555822217258111402
592Liquor Stores21195992006468156
593Used Merchandise Stores2189061556364108
NAAll Cambridge Establishments and Operations95110464861606083925512402


  1. Estab refers to establishments.

Source: Source: U. S. Census, Census of Retail Trade, 1992.

The figures presented here should not compared to the employment by industry figures generated by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. The methodology and intended uses of the information differ, making direct comparisons impracticable.

For More Information

For more information about socioeconomic and demographic statistics about Cambridge, please contact Cliff Cook, ccook@cambridgema.gov, Planning Information Manager, at 617/349-4656.