Bay State Bike Week - May 12-19

5/8/201311 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 11 years ago.

Sweet Ride

Bay State Bike Week is an annual celebration of human-powered, two-wheeled transportation. It is fitting that Massachusetts would be the only state in the nation with a truly statewide bike week, given our long history of biking. From Worcester’s bicycle racing champion Major Taylor to the world-famous Springfield Bicycle Club Tournament, the love of biking has deep roots in our state.

Bay State Bike Week has grown from a small crop of bike path coffee set-ups and organized rides to a cornucopia of film screenings, bike breakfasts, festivals and more. We certainly can’t plan all the events ourselves. To make this week work, we collaborate with local advocates, bike shop owners, and anyone else who likes seeing others go by bike.

Cambridge is hosting a series of events, including our Women Powered Cycling Workshop (FREE to the public!), the Cambridge Bicycle Committee SWEET Ride, and our employee bicycle tune-ups!

For More Information

More information can be found at the Bay State Bike Week website. Join us for a great week!