Mid Cambridge NCDC meeting

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Monday, November 1, 2021



Allison Crosbie, acrosbie@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4683

Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held on Monday, November 1, 2021, at 6:00PM to consider the following matters under M.G.L. Ch. 40C and Ch. 2.78 of the Code of the City of Cambridge:

This meeting will be held online with remote participation. The public may participate via the Zoom webinar platform (https://zoom.us/) from a phone, tablet, or computer. To join the meeting, register here: https://tinyurl.com/MCnov2021 or call (301)715-8592. Webinar ID#: 880 6715 5136. Confirm meeting details or view meeting materials online at https://tinyurl.com/MCambNCD. Written comment is welcome up to 24 hours before the meeting and may be sent to histcomm@cambridgema.gov.

Case MC-6112: 12 Fayette Street, by 12 Fayette Street Ventures LLC. Consider revised design of single detached unit in rear of property.

Case MC-6303: 74 Ellery Street, by James Flynn and Zoe Cullen. Alter fenestration and roof deck.

Case MC-6305: 42 Dana Street, by Stephan Dubouloz. Replace wood siding and trim with synthetic materials, replace windows, install window well.

Case MC-6274 (continued): 123 Hancock Street, by Sam Wolff. Reposition existing building on site, remove rear addition and extend existing dormer. Construct 2 new attached dwelling units.

For more information about the Commission, visit the department's web site or call the office at 617/349-4683 (TTY: 617/349-6112).