East Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District Study Committee Meeting

6:00 PM Wednesday, January 20, 2021


East Cambridge

Eric Hill, ehill@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4688

Public meeting of the East Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District Study Committee to assess the character and history of the neighborhood, the development potential of each property under current regulatory conditions, the unique aspects of the neighborhood that are valued by its residents, and the goals, jurisdiction and boundaries of a potential district. For more information, visit the department's web site or call the office at 617/349-4683 (TTY: 617/349-6112).

Due to COVID-19, the public meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. The public can participate online via the Zoom webinar platform (https://zoom.us/) from a phone, tablet, or computer. To join the meeting, use this registration link before or during the meeting: https://tinyurl.com/ECNCD01 or call (301)715-8592 Webinar ID: 884 5881 8501.

Meeting materials and other information about the study will be posted online here