Find your Election Information
You can use the Voter Registration Search to find your voter status, ward, precinct, polling location, and legislative districts. To find this information by address instead of name and date of birth, please visit
Please note: you must type your address in the format that the state database uses. Some Cambridge streets use abbreviations. If you cannot find an address, please email or call 617-349-4361 for assistance, or use the voter registration search to search by your name and date of birth. For Harvard dorms, please use 0 as the street number and the dorm name as the street name (e.g. 0 Adams House).
For the September 3, 2024 State Primary, Ward 7 Precinct 3 will temporarily be relocated to Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, 459 Broadway, Media Cafeteria, Cambridge Street Entrance.
Polling Location Information