
The Watershed Division publishes regular reports detailing results from the Source Water Quality Monitoring Program (SWQMP), Site Monitoring Program, and Fresh Pond Reservation Census Program. Through the SWQMP, the Watershed Division also funds United States Geological Survey (USGS) interpretive reports analyzing and characterizing water quality in the Cambridge watershed.

Use the links below to view reports of interest:

The Watershed Division welcomes feedback! Please send comments on our reports to Jamie O'Connell.

Featured Reports

  • Source Water Quality, 2000 - 2023

    The Watershed Division publishes annual results from the SWQMP to an interactive Source Water Quality Report. This interpretive report allows users to explore water quality topics of interest in the Cambridge watershed and Fresh Pond Reservoir, visualize long term and emerging water quality trends, and learn about Cambridge’s overall surface water supply system. The report also compares SWQMP data against United States Geological Survey baseline data collected in 1997 and 1998. First published in October 2022, the Source Water Quality Report replaces annual water quality pdf reports that were previously issued to characterize source water chemistry. 

  • Fresh Pond Reservation Class B Pond Water Quality, 2023

    Although separate from the drinking water supply system, the Watershed Division monitors water quality in three small ponds located on Fresh Pond Reservation: Blacks Nook, Little Fresh Pond, and North Pond. The Watershed Division produces annual reports used by City of Cambridge Clean Water Act reporting requirements.

  • USGS, 2017

    The most recent USGS report commissioned by the Watershed Division was published in 2017 for water years 2009-2015.

  • Site Monitoring, 2021

    A summary of Site Monitoring Program activities in 2021. The Site Monitoring Program aims to protect Cambridge’s source water from development impacts and other land use activities. 

  • Fresh Pond Reservation Census, 2021

    There are seven "Eco-Counter" sensor stations placed throughout Fresh Pond Reservation. The sensors tally the number of using entrances and pathways at Fresh Pond Reservation to provide Watershed Division staff with visitor totals. These data help inform long-term management and planning priorities at Fresh Pond Reservation. Annual summaries detail the census program findings.