Hazardous Materials Response

3/20/202316 months ago

Approximately 100 Cambridge firefighters and fire officers are nationally certified Hazardous Materials Technicians.
Additionally nearly every firefighter in the department is nationally certified to the Hazardous Materials Operational level. 

Cambridge Fire responded to 215 hazardous materials calls in the city in 2022. Additionally, Cambridge Hazardous Materials Technicians will respond to incidents in our mutual aid communities as needed. 

The first attached photo shows FFs going to work at a HazMat Investigation in 2009.

The second photo shows firefighters in March of 2023 participating in the IAFF (International Association of Firefighters) 80 hour HazMat Technician course. Upon completion of the course, they will take a national certification exam with both a written and practical component. 

HazMat Techs 2009

HazMat Techs 2023