Cambridge Fire placed a new Pump in service at Engine Company No. 5 in Inman Square

7/9/20247 months ago

Engine 5's new pump was placed in service at 5 pm on Monday, July 8, 2024.
This apparatus is a 2023 Pierce Enforcer, 1250 gpm (gallons per minute) pump with a 500 gallon water tank. It incorporates TAK-4 T3 suspension and All Wheel Steering, as well as energy efficient Idle Reduction Technology.

The pump was built by Pierce Manufacturing and was distributed through Allegiance Fire and Rescue trucks. 

The All Wheel Steering feature will be very beneficial for apparatus mobility and placement during emergencies on our narrow streets with tight corners. 

Engine 2 at Lafayette Square will place a similar piece of apparatus in service.

Thank you to the Cambridge Fire Department Mechanics, Tech Services staff, & the members of Engine 5 (group 2) for final outfitting of the pump and completing the changeover.

Engine 5 was organized as the The Patrick H. Raymond Engine Company Number 5 in1874. Engine 5 has been bravely protecting Inman Square and our city for 150 years.


Engine 5 2023 1

Engine 5 2023 2

Engine 5 2023 3

Engine 5 2023 4

Engine 5 2023 patch