Working Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms are Essential Safety Tools

1/16/20253 weeks ago

Did you know that Cambridge fire companies responded to more than 398 carbon monoxide alarm activations in 2024? Of these responses, 80 proved to be actual CO contamination in the building. All these incidents were resolved safely.


Of the several carbon monoxide alarm responses in the first two weeks of 2025, there were 3 incidents where high levels of CO were found in residences. All these CO incidents were also resolved safely.

Causes of the carbon monoxide include vehicles left idling in a garage or near buildings, power washers, generators, floor cleaners, as well as malfunctioning or improperly vented cooking or heating appliances. 


Ensure that your CO alarms (and smoke detectors) are working properly. Test them on a regualar schedule.
If your detector goes into alarm, call 911 from a safe area. The Emergency Communications Center staff will immediately dispatch a fire company to sample the air with a meter (shown below). Gas sampling meters are carried by all fire companies in the city and are professionally calibrated and maintained in-house by Tech Services staff.
If a caller reports carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms, the response will be upgraded and will include paramedics.


Stay safe!

Protect your people and pets from carbon monoxide poisoning! 


CO is odorless and colorless and is not detectable by human senses.

CO is called the Silent Killer!

Read more below.

For additional information, go to the MA Department of Fire Services site.

5 gas meter

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