Fire Detail Cancellation Form


Dear Valued Customer:

Please read this entire page. By clicking I AGREE, you are agreeing to the terms and policies set forth by the Cambridge Fire Department Paid Fire Detail System.

  1. Details are at a four hour minimum rate.
  2. Details that exceed eight (8) hours shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half.
  3. Details over (4) hours but up to (7) hours will be charged a (7) hour minimum.
  4. Payment is expected based on the amount of hours the detail was requested for. (Example: if a detail is requested for eight hours and runs less than the requested time the requested eight hours will be invoiced and subject for full payment)
  5. Hourly rates are as follows:
    1. Firefighters: $52.00
    2. Lieutenant: $59.50
    3. Captain: $62.50
    4. Deputy Chief: $65.50
  6. Most details are at Firefighter rate. Officers will receive their respective rate when supervisory roles are required.
  7. Add $11.00 per hour for the following details:
    1. Sunday
    2. Holidays
    3. Building demolition
    4. After midnight to completion
  8. Detail requests and cancellations are made on line through the Cambridge Fire Department web site.
  9. No phone calls, faxes, purchase order, job or reference numbers accepted.
  10. Detail requests and cancellations must be in prior to 1 PM on the business day before the date of the detail.
  11. A fire detail "customer copy" is provided on site. If a company is requesting additional copies there will be a fee. Customer copy detail slips left at the completion of the detail are not invoices.
  12. Invoices are emailed from the Administrative Billing Office.
  13. Invoices must be paid in full no more than 14 days from the date of the invoice.
  14. Maximum outstanding overdue balance limit is $5,000.
  15. All details are charged a 10% administrative surcharge.
  16. Fire Department Members are not responsible nor should they be asked for signing anything on site other than a standard sign in accountability sheet.
  17. Details will be billed in increments of one hour.
  18. Detail requests must be made a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the detail. Emergency Detail requests may be excused from the twenty-four (24) hour minimum requirement. Emergency Details are those which are the result of water/gas line breaks, acts of God, or any event that the City deems to be considered an emergency.
  19. All details can be validated in the vendor portal, or by the detail slip where necessary. Once a detail has been completed, please review and ensure accuracy of information including hours and number of Firefighters who performed the detail.
  20. The Department reserves the right to suspend/deny detail requests for safety concerns, or delinquent accounts.
  21. Changes to existing detail requests must be made no later than twenty-four (24) hours before the detail is scheduled to begin. If you are requesting a change after normal business hours, please email
  22. In the event that a vendor is on credit hold with the City of Cambridge, the Fire Department may require pre-payment of details. In such instances vendors will be required to pay in person during Detail Office business hours.
  23. After hours emergencies and weekends, contact Division 1 at 617-349-4942 or Division 2 at 617-349-4943.