Unless a branch is specified in the title, all programs happen at the Main Library
Programs hosted by the Library provide an opportunity for civic dialogue, conversation, and learning, which includes exploring a wide-range of views. Programs do not constitute an endorsement of beliefs by the Library, Library staff, the Library's Board of Trustees, or the City of Cambridge.
Displaying 14 results
11:00 AM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at an intermediate level. No testing is needed.
For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.
11:00 AM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
From online classes to connecting with loved ones, videoconferencing is a great tool. We will cover the basics of Zoom and similar platforms, and make sure you are prepared to join a meeting or start one of your own!
To view and register for other Basic Tech Classes at the Library, please go to tinyurl.com/basictechclass.
1:00 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
During this reservation period, anyone who has completed Hive training and is certified to use equipment or studio(s) can reserve Hive equipment or studio spaces. Staff will assist participants as they are able.
1:00 PM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at an high beginner level. No testing is needed.. For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.
2:30 PM
Valente Branch, 826 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA 02141
Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at a beginner level.
All are welcome.
No registration is necessary. No testing is needed.
For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013 or Kerri McQuown at 617-349-4015
2:30 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Bring your project and enjoy the company of other fiber crafters. Drop-in with this informal group to work on your craft, get inspired, pick up skills and socialize. Knit, embroider, crochet, spin, mend,...
Refreshments will be provided.
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact us at library@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4032 (voice), or via relay at 711.
3:00 PM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at an advanced level. No testing is needed.. For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.
4:00 PM
Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Looking for some basic computer or mobile device guidance? Want help using an online resource? Need someone to read your resume and support navigating online job applications? Join us for our drop-in help hours between 4 and 6pm. No registration required.
If you have any questions, please contact library@cambridgema.gov
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact us at library@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4032 (voice), or via relay at 711.
5:30 PM
Valente Branch, 826 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA 02141
Join us for movie night at the Valente Branch! The movie is based on the book by Margot Lee Shetterly that chronicles the lives of Black female mathematicians at NASA and their contributions to achievements in space. The film stars Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae, Kirsten Dunst, and Kevin Costner.
We will provide popcorn & candy. Registration helpful.
5:30 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Are you interested in podcasting, audio production, or video production? The Hive has two state-of-the-art recording studios! Join this workshop to become familiar with studio equipment and software. Registration is required.
You must complete Hive Safety Training before registering for this workshop.
6:00 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
This month's book: The History of Sound: Stories by Ben Shattuck
Reading Interests: The group concentrates on fiction and narrative nonfiction. Some past selections include: Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell, Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters, and Beautiful Country: A Memoir by Qian Julie Wang.
How to get the print book: Copies of the print book are set aside at the Main Library. Visit the Main Library Q&A Desk at 449 Broadway, and a staff member can help you check out a copy.
How to get the e-book or digital audiobook: This month’s book is available as an ebook and digital audiobook through Libby.
How to register: Click the registration link below to register. Registration is encouraged but not required.
For more information, contact Susannah (sbtkacz@cambridgema.gov).
6:30 PM
Boudreau Branch, 245 Concord Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138
Bring your project, yarn and needles to enjoy an hour in the company of other crafters.
6:30 PM
O'Connell Branch, 48 Sixth St., Cambridge, MA 02141
February selection: Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward
Reading Interests: We read mostly contemporary Fiction and Non-Fiction, with forays into older works and classics. Past selections include: The Last White Man by Mohsin Hamid, Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin, Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt and Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus.
How to get the print book: Copies of the book are set aside at the O'Connell Branch. Visit during open hours and a staff member can help you check out a copy. Click here for O'Connell Branch Hours
How to get the e-book or digital audiobook: This month’s book is available as a digital audio and e-book through Hoopla.
This book group meets in person at the O'Connell Branch. No registration is needed. Drop-ins welcome.
For more information contact the branch at 617-349-4019.
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact us at library@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4032 (voice), or via relay at 711.
7:00 PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Would you like to make your own vinyl signs, stickers, or images to transfer to T-shirts and other textiles? In this workshop, you can learn how to use our Roland Camm-1 GS-24 vinyl cutter. You can then design a sticker and cut it with our vinyl cutter! Registration is required.
You must complete Hive Safety Training before registering for this workshop.
Page was last modified on 12/2/2024 7:33 PM