Sister Act Photo

Sister Act the Musical

6:30 PM - 11:00 PM Friday, January 25, 2013

Andrew Peabody School
70 Rindge Ave.

Bus Leaves from Peabody School and North Cambridge Senior Center

North Cambridge

Carolyn Rodrigues, 617.349.6302

Sister Act is Broadway’s acclaimed musical comedy based on the smash-hit film! 

Come enjoy a night out with other adults. Travel into downtown to the Boston Opera House and enjoy a fabulous musical play. 

The show starts at 8:00 pm.  Bus departs Peabody School at 6:30, and departs the North Cambridge Senior Center at 6:40.

Cost is $70.00 for adults and $65.00 for Seniors.

Limited Tickets are availabe.  Registration deadline is January 18, 2013.

View the Flyer and Registration Form.