Memory, Aging and Alzheimer's Disease
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Thursday, May 24, 2018
Citywide Senior Center
806 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge Council on Aging (COA) invites you to join us for Part 2 of a 3-part lecture series on Memory, Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Today, we will show the compelling PBS documentary Can Alzheimer’s Be Stopped.
It is one of the greatest medical mysteries of our time, as the disease strikes at the core of what makes us human: our capacity to think, to love and to remember.
This film includes what researchers are doing to find a cure and the role people play in participating in clinical trials.
Lenore Jackson-Pope and Carolyn King will take questions and answers from the audience.
Lenore Jackson-Pope, R.N., B.S.N., M.S.M., C.C.R.P
Co-Director of Primary Care Outreach Center for Alzheimer Research and Treatment, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Massachusetts Alzheimer Disease Research Center, Massachusetts General
Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
Carolyn King, BA
Outreach Assistant
Center for Alzheimer Research and Treatment, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Massachusetts Alzheimer Disease Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital.
This event is free and open to the public.
View the Flyer for this event series.