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Order a Detail

Cambridge Police

The Detail Office is responsible for Off-Duty Employment, and is responsible for assigning off-duty officers to construction sites throughout the City to ensure motor vehicle and pedestrian safety. The office also assigns officers to provide various security details to private companies who wish an officer's presence.


How to Request a Detail:
Log-in to https://details.cambridgepolice.org to do the following:
Schedule/Request Jobs
View Invoices
View Job history
View Scheduled Jobs
Update their vendor profile
To create a vendor profile, please contact the Detail Office at 617-349-3350 during regular business hours.

If the Detail Office is closed due to a holiday and you are looking for an emergency detail (you must have a permit to work otherwise), please call 617-349-3301.

5:30 AM to 5:00 PM Monday
5:30 AM to 5:00 PM Tuesday to Thursday
5:30 AM to 12:00 PM Friday

Telephone: 617-349-3350
Email: Detail Office
Unit Supervisor: Sergeant John Lopes, 617-349-3298
Staff: Officer Steven Murphy, 617-349-3350
Angelina Leonard, 617-349-3333
Billing Questions: 617-349-3333

Page was posted on 5/25/2022 4:19 PM
Page was last modified on 1/6/2025 7:40 PM
Contact Us

How can we help?

Please provide as much detail below as possible so City staff can respond to your inquiry:

As a governmental entity, the Massachusetts Public Records Law applies to records made or received by the City. Any information received through use of this site is subject to the same provisions as information provided on paper.

Read our complete privacy statement

Service Requests

Enter a service request via SeeClickFix for things like missed trash pickups, potholes, etc.