The Cambridge Police Department (CPD) accepts and processes applications for License to Carry (LTC) & Firearm Identification Card (FID). CPD will only accept and process License to Carry (LTC) & Firearm Identification Card (FID) applications that are complete.
Cambridge Police
Abuse Prevention Orders are more commonly known restraining orders (RO) and are available to protect a person who is in fear of physical abuse, experiencing physical abuse, and/or has been forced to engage in sexual relations by a current or former spouse, partner, family member, or live in roommate.
Cambridge Police
Learn more about the Cambridge Police Cadet Program, what it takes to become a Cadet, the requirements, the application and selection process, benefits, background on the Department, and more.
Cambridge Police
Learn more about what it takes to become a Cambridge Police Officer, the requirements, how to register for the civil service exam, how to best prepare, the selection process, the police academy, benefits, background on the Department, and more.
Cambridge Police
The Cambridge Auxiliary Police Department has been serving the city of Cambridge since 1941. Originally created as a civil defense measure, the Auxiliary consists of volunteers who assist the Cambridge Police Department with traffic and crowd control at parades, festivals, road races, and other city events. The Auxiliary also conducts vehicle and foot patrols during holidays and other times as needed.
Cambridge Police
The best way to commend the actions of a Police Department employee is to write a brief letter describing the incident and the actions you think were exceptional. Information such as the date, time, and the location will help identify the employee if you do not know his/her name.
Cambridge Police
Find important information and available resources in and around Cambridge for at-risk individuals and families who are in need of support due to domestic violence, sexual violence, family violence, and partner abuse.
Cambridge Police
If you believe a company, business, organization has violated your rights, you can file a civil rights complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the Attorney General's Office. If you believe you, your business or organization has been the victim of a hate crime in Cambridge, please contact the Cambridge Police Department.
Cambridge Police
Complaints will be accepted from any source, whether made in person (125 Sixth St.), by mail, or over the phone (617-349-3384). You may also submit a complaint via e-mail.
Cambridge Police
Learn the steps you need to take to file a crash report.
Cambridge Police