Ladder 4

Cambridge Fire photo
2009 Pierce Ladder Arrow XT, 105' heavy-duty, rear-mount aerial ladder.
History of Ladder # 4
Ladder Company #4 was organized on 15 June 1905 in a new house at 113 Garden Street (the corner of Garden and Sherman Streets) using a horse-drawn ladder carriage. In July of 1920, the company received a new American LaFrance motorized city-service truck. In 1924, a new American LaFrance 75' tractor-trailer truck was placed in service. In February of 1946, Ladder 4 placed in service a 1935 Pirsch 85' wooden stick aerial ladder truck (formerly Ladder 1's apparatus).
In January, 1959, a new Pirsch 100' metal aerial truck was placed in service by the company. On 24 October 1980, a new 100' Pirsch truck was placed in service. This 1980 Pirsch was removed from service on 14 December 1992. A spare 1976 Seagrave 100' tractor-trailer was in service until July of 1994.
On 7 July 1994, the 1989 Maxim 100' tractor-trailer (former Truck 3's apparatus) was assigned to Truck Company #4.
In March of 2002, Ladder 4 placed in service a 2002 Pierce rear-mount, heavy-duty 105' aerial ladder.
On 16 March 2020, Ladder 4 placed in service a 2009 Pierce Arrow XT 105' heavy-duty aerial (formerly Ladder 1's).
On September 11, 2019, Ladder Company 4 (along with Engine Company 8 and Division 2) moved into a temporary fire house at 144 Smith Place. The company will ran of this temporary fire house while major upgrades are completed to the quarters at 113 Garden Street.
Effective December 1, 2020, the Taylor Square companies including Ladder 4 moved back into their fire house in Taylor Square, following extensive building upgrades. Energy saving upgrades include a geothermal HVAC system, LED lighting, new roof, solar panels, new windows, & more. The building was deep cleaned and painted and the kitchen was refurbished. Lightning protection was installed as well as an emergency generator.
For questions about Ladder Company # 4 contact the captain of Ladder 4 Here:
Historical information provided by Ed Morrissey
Ladder # 4 Statistics
Calendar Year |
Responses |
Building Fires |
2024 |
1882 |
22 |
2023 |
1894 |
12 |
2022 |
1797 |
23 |
2021 |
1628 |
25 |
2020 |
1342 |
22 |
2019 |
1654 |
27 |
2018 |
1722 |
25 |
2017 |
1494 |
23 |
2016 |
1494 |
32 |
2015 |
1553 |
40 |
2014 |
1420 |
31 |
2013 |
1528 |
37 |
Fiscal Year |
Responses |
Building Fires |
2012/2013 |
1548 |
39 |
2011/2012 |
1176 |
23 |
2010/2011 |
1559 |
34 |
2009/2010 |
1656 |
33 |
2008/2009 |
1667 |
40 |