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Aerial Shot of Mid-Cambridge in the Fall

Apply for a Tree Removal Permit

Public Works

Apply for a Tree Removal Permit

Overview of the Tree Protection Ordinance (TPO)

For any Significant Tree removal, a tree removal permit is required and subject to the rules and regulations set forth in the City of Cambridge Tree Protection Ordinance (TPO), Title 8, Chapter 8.66, of the City’s Municipal Code. Permits are applied for online here.

A Significant Tree is any tree on a Lot that has a diameter of 6 inches or greater at 4.5 feet above the ground.

An Exceptional Tree is any tree on a Lot that has a diameter of 30 inches or greater. Exceptional Trees are valued at 1.5 times their diameter to reflect the greater ecosystem services these large trees provide to the urban forest. Exceptional Trees often require additional documentation for their tree removal permits.

Significant and Exceptional Trees that meet the requirements of one of the special circumstances under the TPO do not require mitigation to obtain a tree removal permit. The most common special circumstances include:

  • The tree 100% dead, acredes assessed by a Certified Arborist,
  • The tree is dangerous, as assessed by a Certified Arborist,
  • Emergency circumstances (such as the tree has uprooted and is in danger of falling onto people or property),
  • The tree poses significant negative impacts on an existing structure,
  • Removing the tree would benefit other existing Significant Trees on the property.

Tree Removal Application Process

Tree removal applications are submitted online. The applicant is responsible for verifying all information submitted on the application. Incomplete applications will not be processed, and tree removal permits will not be issued until all required documentation is provided.

Photos of the tree or trees to be removed are required for all tree removal applications. Please include:

  • A photo clearly showing the entire tree including its crown.
  • A photo showing the diameter or circumference measurement in inches of the tree at 4.5 feet up the tree.

Below are the requirements for the most common categories of tree removal applications. Blank copies of required forms are available in the Useful Documents & Resources section of this webpage.

  • Tree is dead.
    • Photos of the tree
      • Photo showing entire tree including crown.
      • Photo showing the diameter/circumference measurement at 4.5 feet.
      • Photo(s) showing the area(s) on the dead tree where the dead condition can be observed.
    • Form A completed by a Certified Arborist.
  • Tree is dangerous
    • Photos of the tree
      • Photo showing entire tree including crown.
      • Photo showing the diameter/circumference measurement at 4.5 feet.
      • Photo(s) showing the area(s) on the dangerous tree where the dangerous condition(s) can be observed.
    • Form A completed by a Certified Arborist.
    • ISA Basic Tree Risk Assessment Form completed by a Certified Arborist.

Please see to the Tree Protection Ordinance Regulations for a complete list of the special circumstances and their required documentation.

Property owners may submit tree removal applications for their property. Most tree removal applications will require that the property owner hire a Certified Arborist to assess the tree. The City Arborist and other Urban Forestry staff cannot serve as Certified Arborists for private tree removals. Reputable Certified Arborists can be found, and their credentials verified, via the Massachusetts Arborists Association and/or the International Society of Arboriculture:

Massachusetts Arborists Association: https://massarbor.org/directory.php

International Society of Arboriculture: https://www.treesaregood.org/

If part of the tree trunk to be removed is located on a property line, please provide a letter of approval from the neighboring property owner with the tree removal application.

Tree Removal Permits

Cambridge values its urban forest. It takes effort and engagement from everyone to grow a resilient and healthy urban forest. Community members and the City share the responsibility of growing and maintaining the urban forest. Homeowners can do their part by maintaining the trees on their property and if possible, planting new trees when space is available. Healthy trees benefit homeowners and the community by lowering energy costs, managing stormwater, reducing pollution, and increasing property value. The Urban Forest Master Plan identified that most canopy loss happens on private property so it is vital for property owners to maintain their trees. The Tree Protection Ordinance applies to trees that can no longer be maintained for a variety of reasons. 

Mitigation Requirements

If your tree meets the requirements of one of the special circumstances under the TPO, mitigation is not required to obtain a tree removal permit. Please refer to the TPO Regulations for the full list of required documents for each special circumstance.

If your tree does not meet the requirements of any special circumstance under the TPO, mitigation is required to obtain a tree removal permit.

Mitigation may be fulfilled by planting Replacement Trees on the property, payment to the City’s Tree Replacement Fund, or a combination of planting and payment.

Payment to Tree Replacement Fund:

If you wish to fulfill mitigation through payment into the Tree Replacement Fund, the current cost is $850 per inch diameter at 4.5 feet. Properties with Residential Exemption pay 10% or $85 per inch diameter at 4.5 feet.

The mitigation cost is based on the cost per inch to plant a new tree under the City’s most recent tree planting and maintenance contract inclusive of purchasing, planting, watering, and maintaining trees for a period of 5 years.

To obtain a tree removal permit by paying a mitigation payment, please submit a tree removal application online.

Mitigation payments can be completed in person, by mail, or online after the tree removal application has been submitted. Checks can be mailed or dropped off at the Public Works main office at 147 Hampshire St. Please make checks out to “The City of Cambridge” and include the tree removal application number in the memo line. Online payments are completed through the tree removal application in OpenGov. Payments completed online are subject to convenience fees.

Plant Replacement Trees:

Planting Replacement Trees on the property can significantly reduce or eliminate the mitigation payment. To obtain a tree removal permit by planting Replacement Trees, please submit a tree removal application online.

Replacement Trees are identified as Replacement Trees for a period of 10 years after they are planted. A tree removal permit is required to remove any Replacement Tree, regardless of its size.

The species, size, and source of the Replacement Tree are selected by the property owner. Species of shrubs or trees planted as a privacy hedge/screen such as arborvitae may not be used to fulfill mitigation requirements. Please see the City’s tree planting list for species recommended by the Urban Forestry Division. Most property owners opt to plant 2” caliper Replacement Trees, though applications for smaller and larger Replacement Trees are acceptable.

When submitting a tree removal application that includes planting of Replacement Trees please include:

1. Quantity, size, species, and location information of Replacement Tree(s).

2. Anticipated planting date.

3. Photo, map, or plan showing the planting location(s). This does not need to be a formal landscape plan.

4. A 5 year care and maintenance plan. The City has provided a default care and maintenance plan here.

All Significant Tree documentation and Replacement Tree documentation and/or mitigation payment must be submitted before a tree removal permit can be issued.

A photo of the Replacement Tree(s) is required after the tree is planted. Tree removal permits will not be closed until the required photos are uploaded to the tree removal permit in OpenGov. The applicant is responsible for providing photos of the Replacement Tree(s) after it is planted.

Planting and Payment

To calculate the remaining mitigation payment after planting Replacement Trees, subtract the size (caliper) of the Replacement Tree from the diameter of the Significant Tree, divide by two, and multiply by the mitigation cost. If there are more Replacement Trees than trees to be removed, the additional Replacement Trees are subtracted from the mitigation payment.

Please see below for examples of how the mitigation cost is affected by the size of trees to be removed and different quantities of Replacement Trees.

Calculating Tree Removal Mitigation

The formula for calculating a mitigation payment is as follows

 Mitigation Payment = [[(diameter in inches of Significant Tree – diameter in inches of Replacement Tree)/2] – diameter of any additional Replacement Trees] x $850

Please see examples of mitigation calculations below. For a fillable copy of the Mitigation Calculator Spreadsheet in Excel format, please email cambridgetrees@cambridgema.gov.

Remove a 6 inch tree and plant 0 Replacement Trees

 Mitigation Payment = 6” tree x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = $5,100 

Mitigation Payment with Residential Exemption = $510 

Remove 6 inch and 10 inch trees and plant two 2 inch Replacement Trees

 Mitigation Payment = [[(6” tree – 2” Replacement Tree)/2] + [(10” tree – 2” Replacement Tree)/2]] x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = [(4”/2) + (8”/2)] x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = (2” + 4”) x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = 6” x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = $5,100 

Mitigation Payment with Residential Exemption = $510  

Remove a 6 inch tree and plant one 2 inch Replacement Tree

 Mitigation Payment = [(6” tree – 2” Replacement Tree)/2] x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = [4”/2] x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = 2” x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = $1,700 

Mitigation Payment with Residential Exemption = $170 

Remove a 6 inch tree and plant two 2 inch Replacement Trees

Mitigation Payment = [[(6” tree – 2” Replacement Tree)/2] – 2” additional Replacement Tree] x $850/inch

Mitigation Payment = [(4”/2) – 2” additional Replacement Tree] x $850/inch

Mitigation Payment = (2” – 2”) x $850/inch

Mitigation Payment = $0

Mitigation Payment with Residential Exemption = $0  

Remove 6 inch and 10 inch trees and plant one 2 inch Replacement Tree

Mitigation Payment = [[(6” tree – 2” Replacement Tree)/2] + 10” tree] x $850/inch

Mitigation Payment = [(4”/2) + 10”] x $850/inch

Mitigation Payment = (2” +10”) x $850/inch

Mitigation Payment = 12” x $850/inch

Mitigation Payment = $10,200

Mitigation Payment with Residential Exemption = $1,020  

Remove 32 inch tree and plant 0 Replacement Trees

Mitigation Payment = (32” x 1.5 Exceptional Tree multiplier) x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = 48” x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = $40,800 

Mitigation Payment with Residential Exemption = $4,080 

Remove 32 inch tree and plant four 2 inch Replacement Trees

 Mitigation Payment = [[[(32” x 1.5 Exceptional Tree multiplier) – 2” Replacement Tree]/2] – 6” additional Replacement Trees] x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = [[(48" – 2" Replacement Tree]/2] – 6” additional Replacement Trees] x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = [[(46”/2) – 6” additional Replacement Trees] x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = (23” – 6”) x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = 17” x $850/inch 

Mitigation Payment = $14,450 

Mitigation Payment with Residential Exemption = $1,445 

Tips and FAQs

Do I need a removal permit for a Large Project or special permit project?

For mitigation requirements associated with Large Projects, or any project which requires a special permit under §§ 4.26.l - 4.26.3, §19.20, §11.12.1, §11.12.2, or §11.12.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, please refer to the complete Tree Protection Ordinance language.

What is the cost for a tree removal permit

There is no cost for a tree removal permit. If your tree does not meet the requirements of one of the special circumstances, then mitigation payment will be required. 

How do I measure my tree

If you hire a Certified Arborist, they will have a diameter measuring tape and can measure the tree’s DBH, or diameter at breast height (4.5ft above existing grade. If you decide to measure the tree yourself, you may use a regular measuring tape to measure the circumference of the tree at 4.5 feet. Starting at the ground, measure 4.5 feet up the tree trunk. From this point, wrap the measuring tape around the trunk at 4.5 feet making sure the tape is perpendicular to the trunk and tight around the trunk. Take a photo of the circumference measurement for the tree removal application. Divide by pi (3.14) to convert the circumference to the diameter of the trunk in inches. 

My tree has multiple trunks. How do I measure it?

If your tree splits into multiple stems below 4.5 feet up the tree, it is a multistem tree. Under the TPO, multistem trees are measured by their largest stem. Locate the largest stem at 4.5 feet and measure the diameter.  


If your tree splits into multiple stems at or above 4.5 feet up the tree, it is considered a single stem tree. Measure the diameter of the tree at 4.5 feet up the tree.  


My private tree is less than 6 inches in diameter at 4.5 feet. Do I need a permit?

No. Permits are not required to remove trees that are smaller than 6 inches in diameter at 4.5 feet.

I want to prune my private tree. Do I need a permit for that?

Permits are not required for pruning private trees. Urban Forestry recommends that you hire a Certified Arborist to perform any necessary tree work. Improperly pruned trees that are damaged or die because of pruning or construction do not meet the requirements of any special circumstance. Mitigation is required to obtain a tree removal permit for any tree damaged because of improper pruning practices or construction. Topping is not an acceptable arboricultural practice.  

I’m worried a tree on my property may be damaged during construction. How can I get a permit to remove the tree?

Please consult a Certified Arborist prior to construction to ensure the trees are properly protected during construction. Trees that are damaged because of construction or poor arboricultural practices do not meet the requirements of any special circumstances under the TPO. Mitigation is required to obtain a tree removal permit for a tree that was damaged.  

For City trees, please consult the Urban Forestry staff prior to construction and any proposed tree work. Call Public Works at 617-349-4800. 

The tree I want to remove on my property is an invasive species like a Norway maple or a Tree of Heaven. Do I still need a permit?

Yes. Any Significant or Exceptional Tree requires that you obtain a tree removal permit prior to removing the tree, regardless of species. 

My private tree is close to my house and I’m worried the roots are growing into my foundation. I want to apply for a tree removal permit under the special circumstance where a tree poses a significant negative impact on an adjacent structure. Do I need to hire a Professional Engineer?

Before hiring a Professional Engineer, please contact Public Works to review the tree and condition. Applications under this special circumstance require approval from the City Engineer.  

Please note that permits for this special circumstance are only issued for existing structures. Planned structures and potential tree impacts do not meet the requirements for this special circumstance

My neighbor is doing construction work and I’m worried it may impact a tree on my property. What do I do?

Urban Forestry Division does not have an enforcement mechanism to settle private property tree disputes between neighbors. However, under the 8.66.100- Duty of Care of the Tree Protection Ordinance, all permitted construction projects require the permit holder take the necessary precautions to ensure all Significant Trees are protected during construction. Duty of Care violations should be reported to the Urban Forestry Department. For disputes that fall outside of the Duty of Care, consulting a Certified Arborist will be necessary.

For Massachusetts laws regarding trees, please see MGL c. 49.  


My tree is dead. Why do I need to hire a Certified Arborist?

Since dead trees do not require mitigation to be removed it is important that we have confirmation from a trained professional that the tree is completely dead. Trees that are dormant or in decline do not meet the requirement for a dead tree. In most cases this distinction can't be made from a photograph and require an assessment from a Certified Arborist. For consistency, we require that this determination be made by a Certified Arborist.  

What if I cannot fit any new trees on my property?

A mitigation payment is required for all Significant Trees and Exceptional removed where an insufficient quantity of Replacement Trees is provided.

My tree has broken my sewer or water pipe. What do I do?

Trees do not create new cracks or leaks in pipes. If you find that tree roots have grown into a pipe, the pipe was likely leaky and the tree roots followed the source of water and nutrients. Please contact a Certified Arborist to review options for safely pruning the  root. 

For City trees, please consult the Urban Forestry staff prior to construction and any proposed tree work. Call Public Works at 617-349-4800. 


My tree is 10.5 inches DBH. Should I round up to 11 inches or round down to 10 inches?

Please enter your tree DBH to the closest tenth of an inch. A 10.5 inch tree should be input into the tree removal application as 10.5inches. A 10.7 inches tree should be input into the tree removal application as 10.7 inches. 

My neighbor is removing a tree. Do they have a permit?

A weekly report of issued tree removal permits is available on the Open Data Portal

Have another question?

 Call Public Works at 617-349-4800 
Page was posted on 11/14/2019 9:09 AM
Page was last modified on 9/9/2024 4:49 PM
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