CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Full Depth Pavement Rehabilitation and Curb and Sidewalk Replacement - 7/8/2024
As we move towards completion of the Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project, the City’s contractor D’Allessandro Corp. (DAC) will begin full-depth pavement reconstruction on Willard Street on or about July 11, 2024. Curb and sidewalk work will follow closely behind this work.
The full-depth pavement work will ensure that roadway conditions will be favorable for many years to come. It involves removing and replacing the existing asphalt and the underlying gravel base. Total depth of removal and replacement is expected to be about 20 inches.
What to expect during this construction: (note all dates are approximate and weather dependent)
- Work will occur during normal weekday hours of 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- The roadway work will generally be performed in two segments:
Brattle Street to Foster Street in July
Foster Street to Mt. Auburn Street in August
- For each segment, the sequence of roadway work will be:
Removal of asphalt and excavation and replacement of gravel base
Adjusting and replacing utility covers and placing asphalt base “binder course”
The August work will also include the new raised intersection at Willard/Foster
- In conjunction with the roadway work in each segment, DAC will begin to set granite curb and reconstruct sidewalks. The work will be phased in a manner in which one sidewalk is available for use at all times. It is likely that the east side curb and sidewalk will be done first, followed by the west side.
- For each segment, the entire sequence above should take 3-4 weeks. For part of that time, the road will be unpaved, with a gravel surface. The roadway will also be lower than it is today, making the curbs higher for parked cars. Please use caution when opening car doors so as to not damage them on the curbs.
- Vehicle access will be maintained for abutters whenever possible, although individual driveways may be blocked from access at times. Caution should be used. After work hours, roadways will reopen for normal travel.
On-Street Parking and Loading
- On-street parking spaces will be impacted during this work and will be fully prohibited during full-depth operations in each segment. The exact number and location of the impacted spaces will change as the work progresses. Drivers should pay careful attention to parking restrictions, which will be posted at least 48 hours in advance.
- Parking will also be impacted during “off-hours”, as DAC will need to store several large pieces of equipment on the street.
- DAC and the City will work with individual abutters to accommodate special access needs during construction.
- Access will be maintained for City services such as trash/recycling, and emergency vehicles.
What’s Next After This?
- As part of sidewalk construction, DAC will be constructing Green Infrastructure systems and preparing tree and landscape planting areas.
- Actual planting of trees and other landscape materials will occur during the Fall planting season (September 1 – October 15).
- After curb and sidewalk work is complete, final paving will take place on all streets impacted by the Project (Willard Street, Willard Street Court, Dinsmore Court and portions of Foster, Brattle and Mt. Auburn Streets). This is anticipated for September, and we will provide additional notification when this work is scheduled.
For Information and Assistance During Construction
Cambridge DPW staff will be on-site during this construction work and will be available to respond to questions and concerns.
In addition, if you have general questions or concerns about this work or the project in general, you may contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or More information about the project in general, can be found at
In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.
Notice: Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project Schedule Update - 05/06/2024
We are pleased to provide this update on the Willard Street project, and to let you know what to expect over the next several weeks, as we complete underground utility construction and shift into the final roadway, sidewalk, and landscape work.
- Starting around May 13, Eversource Gas contractors will be on-site at the Willard/Foster and Willard/Dinsmore intersections. They will be performing minor gas relocations to allow resolution of several unforeseen conflicts between their gas mains and our new main drainage pipe. We have had a temporary drainage solution in place in recent months, allowing street drainage to be routed to the new Charles River outfall, thus allowing flood reduction benefits to be in place since last year.
- As Eversource completes work at each of these locations, City contractor D’Allessandro Corp. will immediately follow and perform the final drainage construction at these intersections. Work includes installation of main drainage pipe and making connections to adjacent catch basins.
- Following the drainage work, D’Allessandro will complete the new sanitary sewer between Mt. Auburn Street and Dinsmore Court. Much of this new sewer has been completed already.
- All of the above noted work is anticipated to take approximately 3-4 weeks total to complete.
- In early June, D’Allessandro will begin “full depth” roadway construction, and follow with final curb, sidewalk, and Green Infrastructure work. We will provide additional notices and information regarding this work in the coming weeks.
- Planting of trees to complete the project is planned for the Fall planting season. This includes street trees along Willard itself, as well as trees and plantings at the Charles River outfall.
For Information and Assistance During Construction
DPW staff will continue to be on-site during the project and will be available to respond to questions and concerns. If you have questions or concerns about the Willard Street project in general, you may contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or More information about the project can be found at
In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.
As always, we thank you in advance for your continued patience and understanding during this construction. We are all excited to be heading towards the finish line.
Notice: Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project Schedule Update - 10/1/2023
We hope you enjoyed your summer, and we are pleased to provide this update on the Willard Street project. We also want to let you know what to expect for the remainder of the project.
- Since our last update, our contractor D'Allessandro Corporation (DAC) substantially completed the construction of the new drainage outfall at the Charles River. The impacted section of the Paul Dudley White Path has been restored, and initial lawn seeding was performed in order to stabilize the riverbank and prevent erosion. Additional work still to come at the outfall includes installation of a safety railing on top of the outfall structure, and significant landscape plantings which will further stabilize the area and visually screen the outfall structure.
- After completion of the outfall, DAC began installation of the new Willard Street drain. They have completed crossing Memorial Drive and are mostly across the DCR parkland. The team discovered some sewer and drain conditions which were different from expected in Mt. Auburn Street, and this took a few weeks to resolve, (and was hampered by the often rainy weather.) These issues are mostly resolved now, and drain pipe installation is ready to cross Mt. Auburn Street and continue up the length of Willard Street.
- The installation of the new drain pipe in Willard Street is expected to be complete by the end of December. During this same period, DAC will also be replacing the sanitary sewer pipe between Dinsmore Court and Mt. Auburn Street.
- As you may have noted, during this past spring and summer DAC installed new catch basins in Willard Street. As installation of the new drain pipe proceeds up the street over the next few months, these catch basins can be connected to the new pipe, and ultimately the new outfall. This will start to alleviate the flooding problems experienced on the street.
- The project includes the installation of a new traffic signal at the Sparks/Mt. Auburn Street intersection, as well as curb extensions to shorten the crosswalks across Mt. Auburn. DAC installed the underground electrical conduit for the signal during the summer and is expecting to install the underground signal foundations this fall.
What to Expect During 2024
The remaining work after the drain and sewer are complete is largely surface work (green infrastructure; roadway; sidewalk; curbing; landscaping; the new traffic signal at Sparks/Mt. Auburn) which cannot be performed during winter months. DAC will temporarily cleanup and de-mobilize, and then return to the site around mid-March. They will then proceed with surface work, and we will provide more detailed schedule information at that time. All work on the street should be completed during the spring and summer of 2024.
For Information and Assistance During Construction
DPW staff will be on-site during the project and will be available to respond to questions and concerns. If you have questions or concerns about the Willard Street project in general, you may contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or More information about the project can be found at
In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.
Notice: Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project Schedule Update - 5/22/2023
Dear Neighbor,
We are pleased to provide this update on the Willard Street project, and to let you know what to expect for the remainder of this spring and into the summer.
- Our contractor D'Allessandro Corporation (DAC) has completed the water work at this point, including laying and activating the new water main and hydrants, reconnecting house services, and replacing several non-copper house services with copper.
- Over the next week or so, DAC will be installing new catch basins which will ultimately be connected to the new drainage pipe in the street.
- The next major operation is to construct the new drainage outfall at the Charles River and begin installation of the new drainage pipe in Willard Street. The pipe installation will start at the outfall, and work "uphill", crossing Memorial Drive, the park, Mt. Auburn Street, and then up Willard to Brattle Street. The new catch basins will be connected to the new drain pipe as the work proceeds.
- To protect spawning fish, work is restricted in the Charles River between mid-February and mid-July. DAC was able install the temporary steel cofferdam in the River before the February shutdown, and will resume work on the outfall, within the cofferdam, in mid-July.
- DAC will also be replacing the sanitary sewer pipe between Dinsmore Court and Mt. Auburn Street.
What to Expect
- Once the current catch basin work is completed, DAC will de-mobilize and remove materials and equipment from Willard Street, until they resume work in mid-July.
- Through July and much of August, work will be concentrated at the River, and between the River and Mt. Auburn Street. We will provide an update before significant work resumes in Willard Street itself, expected in late summer. We will also provide updates when the work impacts Memorial Drive and Mt. Auburn Street.
For Information and Assistance During Construction
DPW staff will be on-site during the project and will be available to respond to questions and concerns. If you have questions or concerns about the Willard Street project in general, you may contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or More information about the project can be found at
In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.
Construction Notice: Willard Street Project - Water Main Work
As part of the Willard Street Drainage Improvements project, the City’s contractor D'Allessandro Corporation will begin to install new water mains on Willard Street and Dinsmore Court, on or about February 6, 2023. The work will generally proceed from Mt. Auburn Street to Brattle Street and is expected to take 5-6 weeks to complete. This work will allow the retirement of the existing, undersized water mains which are over 150 years old, and ensure that the water infrastructure serving you will be in good condition for years to come.
What to expect during this construction:
•Work will occur during normal weekday hours of 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
•The work will be performed in phases, with approximately 50 to 150 feet of water main under construction at any one time.
•Vehicle traffic and accessible pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. However, due to the narrowness of Willard Street, vehicle access may be restricted to one end of the street from time to time. Drivers should pay careful attention to posted signs and detours.
•On-street parking spaces will be impacted during this work. The number and location of the impacted spaces is related to the size and location of the work zone, and will change as the work progresses. Drivers should pay careful attention to parking restrictions, which will be posted at least 24 hours in advance.
Water Service Impacts
The initial work of placing the new water main will not impact existing water services. After the new main is completed and tested, water customers will be individually notified of procedures related to the cut-over of services to the new main. We expect this to occur in mid to late March.
For Information and Assistance During Construction
Cambridge DPW staff will be on-site during this work and will be available to respond to questions and concerns.
In addition, if you have general questions or concerns about this work or the Willard Street project in general, you may contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or
In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.
Notice: Willard St. Drainage Improvement Project - Expected Schedule
The purpose of this notice is to provide you with additional details on the anticipated schedule for the Willard Street project. Dates and sequence are subject to change to due unforeseen conditions and weather, and we will notify you of significant changes as we learn of them. Note that as our contractor D'Allessandro Corporation gets ready to switch from one major construction operation to another, we will distribute more detailed Construction Notices to impacted abutters.
January - March 2023
- Drainage Outfall work at Charles River, and new drain from Charles River to Willard/Mt. Auburn intersection.
- Water main installation in Willard Street and Dinsmore Court. Mt. Auburn Street to Brattle Street. (Begins February - a separate detailed Construction Notice has been distributed).
April - July 2023
- Willard Street and Dinsmore Court storm drain and catch basins. Mt. Auburn Street to Brattle Street.
August 2023
- Willard Street sanitary sewer. Mt. Auburn Street to Dinsmore Court only.
September - mid-November 2023
- Curb, sidewalk and Green Infrastructure construction.
April - May 2024
- Roadway reconstruction and paving, tree and landscape planting.
For Information and Assistance During Construction
DPW staff will be on-site during the project and will be available to respond to questions and concerns. If you have questions or concerns about the Willard Street project in general, you may contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or More information about the project can be found at
In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.
Construction Notice: Willard St. Drainage Improvement Project - Start of Construction
We are pleased to inform you that we are (finally!) ready to begin construction of the Willard Street Project. In late summer, we completed the bidding process and selected D'Allessandro Corporation (DAC) as the General Contractor. DAC has successfully completed a number of similar projects for the City in recent years, and we are pleased to be partnering with them again on this critical infrastructure effort.
What is the Willard Street Project?
The main goal of the Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project is to address stormwater flooding of the street and abutting properties. The project also provides an opportunity to upgrade other obsolete utilities and provide surface improvements including accessible sidewalks and traffic calming.
The project area consists of Willard Street; Willard Street Court; Dinsmore Court; and portions of Mt. Auburn Street, Riverbend Park, Memorial Drive; and the Charles River shoreline. The main features of the Project include the following:
- Installation of new, larger drain pipes, and additional catch basins. The system is designed for the increasingly intense rainstorms which our region experiences due to climate change.
- Construction of a new drainage outfall pipe to the Charles River. This pipe will redirect stormwater from Willard Street which presently flows into an over-capacity sewer in Mt. Auburn Street.
- Replacement of existing water mains, which are up to 150 years old. We will also replace, at City cost, any remaining lead or other non-copper services to individual houses.
- Reconstruction of sidewalks to provide a smooth, accessible, concrete surface for all users.
- Additional trees and landscaping. Extensive volumes of enhanced planting soil will be used in tree pits and beneath adjacent sidewalks, which has proven very beneficial to tree health on recent City projects.
- Construction of traffic calming and pedestrian priority features, including curb extensions, a raised intersection at Willard/Foster Street; and raised side street treatments at a number of locations.
- Shared lane markings for bicycles. This treatment is consistent with the Cambridge Bicycle Plan vision for low-speed/low-volume neighborhood streets such as Willard Street.
I'm new to Willard Street - Is there a recap of the project history I can review?
We understand the project has taken a while, and this has mostly been due to the complicated environmental permitting associated with the new Charles River storm drain outfall. Neighbors may have forgotten how we got to where we are today, or may be new to the street. Complete project information, including design plans and past community presentations, may be found at the project website:
We would especially recommend two documents which can be found under the "Documents" tab at the project website:
•February 2018 Project Update: This gives a summary of the design and community outreach process which occurred in 2017-2018.
•Willard Street - Historical Commission Presentation: This provides more details about the detailed design of the project, including color-rendered cross-sections and plans of the proposed design.
How long will the project take? What is happening first?
The overall project duration is approximately 18 months, with completion expected in Spring 2024. We are working with DAC on their overall sequence and schedule and will communicate more details once they are known. Construction activities in the early months are expected to focus mainly on the new Charles River outfall. This work requires excavation from the end of Willard Street, across Mt. Auburn Street, Riverbend Park, and Memorial Drive, as well as "in-water" work at the riverbank.
How can I stay informed about the project?
Throughout the construction phase of the project, notices such as this one will be posted at the project website, which was noted above. You can also sign-up to have notices and other updates automatically emailed to you by clicking the contact tab on the project website. Notices are also usually hand-delivered to abutters who are directly impacted by upcoming work.
What should I expect during this work?
- General work hours will be Monday-Friday, 7 AM – 4 PM. We will communicate to neighbors any significant deviations from these hours, as may be required from time to time due to the nature of the work.
- We recognize that as we move into construction, there will be some impacts, including temporary traffic detours, temporary loss of parking, noise, etc. We ask in advance for your patience as we work to complete this critical project.
- “No Parking” signs will be posted 48-hours in advance. Please be sure to check dates and times.
- Vehicle traffic and accessible pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. However, due to the narrowness of Willard Street, vehicle access may be restricted to one end of the street from time to time. Drivers should pay careful attention to posted signs and detours.
- Emergency vehicles and city services such as trash collection and snow plowing will have access at all times.
For more information:
If you have any questions about this upcoming work, or if you need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or
For after-work hours emergencies, call the Department of Public Works hotline at 617-349-4800.
Construction Notice: Willard St. Drainage Improvement Project
As part of advance work for the Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project, the City’s contractor Mattuchio Construction will be resuming some limited drainage pipe and structure installation beginning on or about September 3, 2019 (weather dependent). You may recall this work was begun this past Spring, but high groundwater conditions required suspension of the work until the present time.
The approximate limits of the work, which consists of a pipe crossing Willard Street just south of Dinsmore Court, and a new manhole to be installed in the east sidewalk, is shown on the photo below (yellow line).
What is the status of the overall Willard Street project and why is this work occurring now?
The City has been coordinating with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) regarding the proposed pipeline crossing of Memorial Drive, and the new drainage outfall to the Charles River. These are critical elements of the project to alleviate stormwater flooding on and adjacent to Willard Street.
Unfortunately this coordination took longer than anticipated, but as of August 2019 we have resolved a significant outstanding issue with DCR and can move forward again. We are working on updating the project design and permitting schedule and hope to begin construction of the overall Willard Street project in Spring 2020. The City still plans to conduct an open-house for neighborhood residents once the larger project has been bid and a Contractor has been selected and is on-board.
In the meantime, the City plans to proceed with a relatively minor – but important – element of the project, consisting of a pipe connection from the Cambridge Skate Club, across to the existing sewer in Willard Street. We are breaking this piece of the work out separately, as it also requires work on Skate Club property and must be closely coordinated with the club’s Skating and Tennis season operations.
What to expect during this construction:
- Work will occur during normal weekday hours of 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
- There will be noise and disruption from construction activities.
- The work is expected to take approximately 1-2 weeks to complete.
- Vehicle access and on-street parking will be impacted during working hours (primarily between Dinsmore and Mt. Auburn). Please follow posted parking restriction and detour signs.
- “No Parking” signs will be posted 24-hours in advance; please be sure to check dates/times.
- Pedestrian access and access to abutting properties will be maintained. Pedestrians should please follow posted signs which may direct them onto temporary walkways at times. All temporary walkways will be ADA accessible.
- Emergency vehicles will have access at all times and all city services will continue.
For Information and Assistance During Construction
If you have any questions about the construction work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or
Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project
Project Update: April 24, 2019
As part of advance work for the Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project, the City’s contractor Mattuchio Construction will be performing construction along Longfellow Park (“Upper” Section”) beginning on or about May 1, 2019 (weather dependent).
The approximate limits of the work, which consists of installation of an underground stormwater infiltration system and related piping and manholes, is shown below (yellow area).
How does this work relate to the Willard Street project?
Currently, stormwater runoff from Longfellow Park, as well as other areas along Brattle Street, flows via underground pipes to the overburdened storm drain system in Willard Street. One of the ways to reduce the recurrent flooding problems along Willard Street, in addition to re-sizing and reconstructing Willard Street’s storm drain system, is to remove flows from the system. The proposed system in Longfellow Park will allow a significant amount of storm runoff to be infiltrated into the ground beneath the central lawn area. This will not only provide relief along Willard Street; it will also reduce flows of stormwater to the Charles River, thus improving the river’s water quality.
Additional details about the infiltration system may be viewed in a presentation which DPW made to the Cambridge Historical Commission, found under the “Documents” tab at
Note that following completion of the drainage work, the City plans to restore the impacted lawn, repave the entire Longfellow Park roadway, and replace the two granite block sidewalk crossings at the Brattle Street end with wheelchair accessible granite pavers. The new pavers will be similar to those which exist at the Longfellow House driveway on the north side of Brattle Street.
What to expect during this construction:
- Work will occur during normal weekday hours of 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
- There will be noise and disruption from construction activities.
- The drainage work is expected to take approximately 2 weeks to complete.
- Parking at the southern end of the loop roadway may be restricted at times. “No Parking” signs will be posted 24-hours in advance; please be sure to check dates/times.
- Pedestrian access and access to abutting properties will be maintained.
- Emergency vehicles will have access at all times and all city services will continue.
Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project
Project Update: March 5, 2019
As part of advance work for the Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project, the City’s contractor Mattuchio Construction will be performing some limited drainage pipe and structure installation beginning on or about March 11, 2019 (weather dependent).
The approximate limits of the work, which consists of a pipe crossing Willard Street just south of Dinsmore Court, and a new manhole to be installed in the east sidewalk, is shown on the photo below (yellow line).
What is the status of the overall project and why is this work occurring now?
The City has been coordinating with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) regarding the proposed pipeline crossing of Memorial Drive, and the new drainage outfall to the Charles River. These are critical elements of the project to alleviate stormwater flooding on and adjacent to Willard Street. This coordination has taken longer than anticipated, but we are still hopeful to complete the design, and advertise for construction in Spring/Summer of 2019. This would allow construction to begin in Summer/Fall 2019. The City still plans to conduct an open-house for neighborhood residents once the larger project has been bid and a Contractor has been selected and is on-board.
In the meantime, the City plans to proceed with a relatively minor – but important – element of the project, consisting of a pipe connection from the Cambridge Skate Club, across to the existing sewer in Willard Street. We are breaking this piece of the work out separately, as it also requires work on Skate Club property and must be closely coordinated with the club’s Skating and Tennis season operations.
What to expect during this construction:
- Work will occur during normal weekday hours of 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
- There will be noise and disruption from construction activities.
- The work is expected to take approximately 1-2 weeks to complete.
- Similar to when the gas construction was performed in 2017, vehicle access and on-street parking will be impacted during working hours (primarily between Dinsmore and Mt. Auburn). Please follow posted parking restriction and detour signs.
- “No Parking” signs will be posted 24-hours in advance; please be sure to check dates/times.
- Pedestrian access and access to abutting properties will be maintained. Pedestrians should please follow posted signs which may direct them onto temporary walkways at times. All temporary walkways will be ADA accessible.
- Emergency vehicles will have access at all times and all city services will continue.
For Information and Assistance During Construction
If you have any questions about the construction work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema./gov. More information about the project in general can be found at .
In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.
Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project
Project Update: February 13, 2019
The City has been coordinating with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) regarding the proposed pipeline crossing of Memorial Drive, and the new drainage outfall to the Charles River. These are critical elements of the project to alleviate stormwater flooding on and adjacent to Willard Street. This coordination has taken longer than anticipated, resulting in some delay to the project. The City is still hopeful to complete the design, obtain all required permits (some of which require DCR approval as a pre-requisite), and advertise for construction in Spring of 2019. This would allow construction to begin in Summer 2019. The City still plans to conduct an open-house for neighborhood residents once the project has been bid and a Contractor has been selected and is on-board.
In the meantime, the City plans to proceed with a relatively minor – but important – element of the project, consisting of a pipe connection from the Cambridge Skate Club, across to the existing sewer in Willard Street. We are breaking this piece of the work out separately, as it also requires work on Skate Club property and must be closely coordinated with the club’s Skating and Tennis season operations. This work will be performed by the City’s “on-call” contractor, and thus does not require a bidding process. This work is expected to be performed in March 2019. Once the start date for this work is more definitively known, DPW will send an advance notification to project abutters and the general project contact list.
Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project
Tree and Landscape Walk, Saturday, June 2
As part of the City’s on-going design efforts for the Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project, we will be offering a site walk of Willard Street to look at tree and landscape planting opportunities.
Please join members of the City and Consultant team, including the project’s landscape architect, on Saturday, June 2 at 10:00 AM at the corner of Willard and Brattle Streets.
Our plan is to walk the street and discuss potential landscape improvements within the public right-of-way, as well as the City’s voluntary private property “back of sidewalk” tree planting program. We expect this site walk to be of primary interest to direct abutters of the project, but of course all are welcome to attend.
In the event of rain, please call 617.349.9720 for a message regarding status/postponement of the site walk.
Please contact me with any questions at 617.349.9720.
To learn more about this project, please visit the webpage at
To learn more about the “back of sidewalk” tree planting program, please visit our Urban Forestry page.
Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project
Conservation Commission Notification
We wanted to explain why some - but not all - of you have recently received notification via Certified Mail, regarding a Notice of Intent filed with the Cambridge Conservation Commission and Massachusetts DEP for the Willard Street stormwater outfall.
The notification is required to be officially sent to all abutters within a 500-foot radius of the impacted wetland resource area and its designated buffer zone. The buffer zone is the lighter blue line on the map below, and the 500-foot radius is the black line.
If you should learn that one of your neighbors receives this notification, while you did not, then the location of your home relative to that black line is probably the reason why.
Be assured that this does not mean you have fallen off our notification list, or that construction is imminent! The Conservation Commission approval is a necessary step for the project, specifically the construction of the new outfall pipe to the Charles River, and is typically obtained at this stage of the design process. The overall status, next steps, and schedule of the project are still as summarized in our February, 2018 Project Update, which can be viewed at:
The Notice of Intent materials can also be viewed under the “Documents” tab.
As always, if you have any questions about the project, please contact me at 617.349.9720 or at
Project Update – February 2018
Please see the "Documents" tab of this page for an important project update, including confirmation of the design option which the City is moving forward with, and information on Next Steps, Schedule, and continued Community Outreach
Community Meeting Notice
Willard St. Community Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, October 19
City staff and their consultant team will present the preferred design alternative for the Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project, which includes replacing and/or rehabilitating the sewer and stormwater infrastructure and the construction of a new stormwater pipe and outfall at the Charles River, evaluation and implementation of stormwater best management practices, and water main replacement.
The project also provides an opportunity to provide surface improvements, including accessible sidewalks, traffic calming, landscaping, and improved bicycle facilities . This meeting will focus on the alternative developed based on public input from the previous two community meetings to address both the subsurface and surface conditions. We encourage community members to attend to learn more about the project and provide feedback.
For more information, please visit If you would like to join an email distribution list to receive further information and updates on potential future drainage improvements in the Willard Street area, please visit
If you have any questions about this work or the upcoming meeting, contact Christi Apicella, Community Relations Liaison for the project, at 617.556.0020 (ext‐3003) or; or Dan Riviello, DPW Community Relations Manager at 617.349.4825 or
Eversource Gas Main Work
Utility work scheduled to begin in early September
As discussed at previous Willard Street community meetings, Eversource Gas plans to replace their existing obsolete gas main on Willard Street in advance of the City’s reconstruction project.
This work will ensure that, upon completion of the City’s project in 2018, the public and private underground infrastructure will be in good condition and there should be no need (other than unanticipated emergencies) for the street to be disrupted in the years to come. The Eversource work, which will begin in early September, has been coordinated with the City’s designs.
We would like to emphasize that the work you will see in September and into the fall is strictly Eversource work. As discussed previously, the City is committed to another community meeting this fall where we will present the updated designs for the sewer, drainage and surface streetscape work. No City work will occur until after we have presented our design to the community and received additional feedback.
Property owners should be receiving a notice from Eversource in the coming days with more details about their upcoming work.
If you have any questions about this work or the upcoming meeting, contact Christi Apicella, Community Relations Liaison for the project, at 617.556.0020 (ext‐3003) or; or Dan Riviello, DPW Community Relations Manager at 617.349.4825 or
Community Meeting Notice
Willard St. Community Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, June 15th
City staff and their consultant team will present preliminary design alternatives for the Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project, which includes replacing and/or rehabilitating the sewer and stormwater infrastructure and the construction of a new stormwater pipe and outfall at the Charles River, evaluation and implementation of stormwater best management practices, and water main replacement. The project also provides an opportunity to provide surface improvements, including accessible sidewalks, traffic calming and better bicycle facilities. This meeting will focus on several alternatives we have developed which address both the subsurface and surface conditions. We encourage community members to attend to learn more about the project and provide feedback.
For more information, please visit If you would like join an email distribution list to receive further information and updates on potential future drainage improvements in the Willard Street area, please visit
If you have any questions about this work or the upcoming meeting, contact Christi Apicella, Community Relations Liaison for the project, at 617.556.0020 (ext‐3003) or; or Dan Riviello, DPW Community Relations Manager at 617.349.4825 or
May 2017
The next public meeting to discuss the Willard St project will be held on Thursday, June 15th. Notices will be delivered to residents in advance of the meeting.
April 2017
The City’s contractor, the Horsley Witten Group (HW), is evaluating the existing sewer and stormwater systems along Willard Street (from Brattle Street to Mount Auburn Street).
As part of this process, connections from certain homes to these systems need to be inspected. This work involves inspection of basement plumbing to evaluate where and how homes are connected to the City’s systems.
Affected residents will be notified directly.
Community Meeting Notice - March 8, 2017
Willard St. Community Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, March 30th
City staff and their consultant will present an overview of the Willard Street Drainage Improvement Project at a community meeting on Thursday, March 30 from 6:30-8:30pm in the Friends Room at the Friends Meeting at Cambridge located at 5 Longfellow Park.
This project includes replacing and/or rehabilitating the sewer and stormwater infrastructure and the construction of a new stormwater pipe and outfall at the Charles River, evaluation and implementation of stormwater best management practices, and water main replacement. Due to the construction required to make these subsurface improvements, there is an opportunity to evaluate surface improvements to the roadway to promote traffic calming and improvements to bicycle and pedestrian accessibility. We encourage neighborhood members to attend to learn more about the project.
For more information, please visit If you would like join an email distribution list to receive further information and updates on potential future drainage improvements in the Willard Street area, please visit
If you have any questions about this work or the upcoming meeting, contact Christi Apicella, Community Relations Liaison for the project, at 617.556.0020 (ext‐3003) or; or Dan Riviello, DPW Community Relations Manager at 617.349.4825 or
Ground survey has been conducted in the area of Dinsmore Court and Willard Street (from Brattle Street to Mount Auburn Street) and portions of Memorial Drive for engineering purposes.
In November 2016 sewer and stormwater pipes were cleaned using a high pressure water jet and internal pipe inspections were conducted. Additional cleaning and inspection work is scheduled in the coming month.
The project area includes Willard Street from where it begins at Brattle Street, across Mount Auburn Street to the Charles River, and includes Dinsmore Court. The Willard Street neighborhood has experienced flooding on several occasions. The flooding appears to be caused by insufficient hydraulic capacity in the existing stormwater infrastructure during significant precipitation events.