The Danehy Improvement Plan project is a collaboration between the Department of Public Works, the Department of Human Service Programs Recreation Division, and the Community Development Department. The goal is to develop a shared vision of the future of Danehy Park that reflects the community’s needs and values. The final report will provide a roadmap that guides future park improvements for the next 10-15 years.
Sign up for the project email list to receive project related updates by clicking here.
Danehy Park Improvements Plan Community Meeting #2
We’re excited to invite you to the next community meeting for the Danehy Park Improvements Project! During this session, the project team will:
- Share a summary of the community feedback we’ve received so far.
- Discuss project goals and draft ideas inspired by your input.
- Host breakout discussions for deeper engagement and public comments.
Date: Thursday, December 5, 2024
Time: 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual via Zoom. Register in advance here:
View the Meeting Presentation Here!
Recording of the June 27, 2024 Community Meeting Now Available
Join us for a Virtual Community Meeting about Danehy Park! Thursday, June 27, 6 p.m.
During the meeting, we will:
- Share information about the current state of the park
- Gather your ideas, information and feedback about how
to make Danehy Park even better!
Join on Zoom:
For more than 30 years, residents and visitors have enjoyed Danehy Park’s athletic fields, walking paths, playgrounds, public art, dog park, and community events. The goal of the Danehy Park Improvement Plan is to develop recommendations of park improvements that will guide the future of the park for the next 10-20 years.
View full poster here.
View presentation here.
Learn more: www.cambridgema.govdanehyimprovementplan