Please note- due to weather conditions, final paving has been moved to Monday, 11/16.
Cottage and Lopez Drainage Improvement Project - Final paving scheduled
On Monday, November 9th the City’s contractor, P. Gioioso and Sons, will be raising castings in preparation for final paving. During this work, Brookline Street will be closed to through traffic.
Detours for pedestrians and vehicles will be in place. “No Parking” signs will also be present so please check all posted signs. Please drive slowly through the construction zone after work hours as the castings will be above grade level.
P. Gioioso and Sons will be paving Cottage Street and Lopez Street on Thursday, November 12th.
Paving work is expected to take approximately a day and a half to complete, weather permitting. If conditions are wet on the day of scheduled paving, work will be delayed until the next day. Please visit the project page for any updates regarding rescheduling –
Vehicle access in and out of properties will be restricted during work hours while crews perform the paving. Please plan vehicle trips accordingly.
Any additional restoration items related to the project, including back of sidewalk work and pavement markings, will be completed by the contractor in the coming weeks before the end of construction.
What to Expect during Paving
•Work hours will be 7 AM to 5 PM.
•Vehicle access in and out of properties will be restricted. Please plan vehicle and parking trips accordingly.
•During this work, the roadway will be lower, making the curbs higher for parked cars. Please use caution when opening car doors as to not damage them on the curbs.
•“No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times.
•Emergency vehicles will have access at all times.
Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at 617-349-4870 / or Jen Letourneau at 857-233-8749/ If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.
Cottage and Lopez Drainage Improvement Project - Sidewalk installation beginning 9/2
As part of the ongoing street and sidewalk reconstruction work, the City’s contractor, P. Gioioso and Sons, will begin installing sidewalks on Wednesday, September 2nd on the odd side of Lopez Street. Crews will begin on the odd side of Lopez St. and move to the even side of Lopez street the following week. Sidewalk installations on Cottage Street will follow.
This work is expected to take approximately 4 weeks to complete, weather permitting.
Detours will be in place during work hours. Please look for Detour signs, Road Closed signs, and No Parking signs as they will be changing frequently during the work.
At the end of each day, the contractor will clean the work site to allow for motorists to utilize the roadway.
What to Expect During Construction:
- General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
- Please check posted No Parking signs.
- Please follow pedestrian detour signs.
- Access to properties will be maintained, when possible.
- Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.
Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at 617-349-4870/ or Jen Letourneau at 857-233-8749/ For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit . If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.
Cottage and Lopez Drainage Improvement Project - Roadway paving beginning 8/19
The Cottage and Lopez Reconstruction Project is continuing to progress, and we wanted to alert you of a change in construction phase beginning Wednesday, August 19.
The City’s contractor, P. Gioioso and Sons, will begin installing the first layer of pavement on Cottage St. and Lopez St. This work is expected to take one week.
At the end of each day, the contractor will clean the work site to allow for motorists to utilize the roadway. There will be a grade difference between the regular road and the section under construction. We kindly ask that motorists drive through the construction zone slowly.
The roadway will also be lower, making the curbs higher for parked cars. Please use caution when opening car doors so as not to damage them on the curbs.
What to Expect During Construction:
- General work hours 7am-4pm, Monday through Friday.
- Please check posted No Parking signs.
- Access will be maintained for abutters whenever possible. Caution should be used. After work hours, roadways will reopen for all in their normal travel directions.
- Access will be maintained for City services and emergency vehicles.
Final roadway paving will occur at the end of the Cottage and Lopez Reconstruction Project and will be announced via an additional notice in the fall.
For Information and Assistance During Construction:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Project Administrator, Community Relations, at 617.349.4870 / or Jen Letourneau at 857-233-8749 / For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.
Cottage and Lopez Draining Improvement Project - Updated mobilization date of July 13th
The City’s contractor, P. Gioioso and Sons, will mobilize on Monday, July 13th to begin curb and sidewalk work at Cottage St. and Pleasant St. and continue towards Magazine St.
Cottage and Lopez Drainage Improvement Project - Construction Update
As part of the ongoing sewer, drainage, street and sidewalk reconstruction work on Cottage and Lopez Streets, the City’s contractor, P. Gioioso and Sons, will mobilize on Monday, July 6th to begin curb and sidewalk work at Cottage St. and Pleasant St. and continue towards Magazine St. Crews will begin removing the sidewalks, removing and resetting curbing, and then installing new sidewalks. Contractors are required to follow the safety guidelines established by the State and submit their COVID-19 Control Plans to the City. P. Gioioso and Son’s control plan has been accepted and they are permitted to proceed with work.
The project is expected to be completed by late fall 2020.
Sidewalk material options
- It is the City’s policy to replace existing sidewalks with the same material (concrete with concrete, brick with wire cut brick). However, during this project, property owners will have the option of changing their sidewalk material for a fee.
- More information is available on the reverse side of this notice.
What to Expect During Construction:
- General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
- Please check posted No Parking signs.
- Please follow pedestrian detour signs.
- Access to properties will be maintained, when possible.
- Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.
Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at 617-349-4870 / or Jennifer Letourneau, Engineer, 857-233-8749 / For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.
The following email was sent on May 28, 2020
Dear Neighbor,
On March 18th, Cambridge issued a Temporary Emergency Construction Moratorium to limit construction in the City to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Last week, the City issued an Amended Temporary Emergency Construction Order to allow construction to restart in a phased approach in the coming weeks.
What does this mean for construction in my neighborhood?
Beginning this week, you may start to see some construction activity related to site safety preparations, including installation of hand wash stations and other site modifications related to COVID-19 safety precautions. Beginning June 1st, you may start to see increased activity on your street related to the re-starting of construction. We will be in touch via additional notices with a schedule and information specific to the project on your street.
Residents should be aware that No Parking signs will start to appear in relation to construction activity. Contractors will make every effort to provide 48-hours’ notice, but please check the street frequently.
COVID-19 Control Plan for Construction:
In addition to the stringent safety guidelines required by the State, all contractors will need to submit to the Inspectional Services Department or Department of Public Works, as appropriate, a COVID-19 Control Plan for Cambridge on permitted projects. This plan will require:
- A cleaning and decontamination checklist; The number of workers expected on the job site; and
- No non-essential personnel may be present at the worksite.
- Additionally, contractors will be encouraged, and in some cases required, to conduct a site-specific risk analysis and enhanced COVID-19 safety plan for more complex projects.
As previously announced on May 18, the City of Cambridge will expand currently allowed construction activity in the City in four phases:
- Phase 1, beginning May 25, will add site safety prep work for projects previously permitted by Inspectional Services (ISD) and Public Works (DPW). Forthcoming amendments to the City’s Temporary Emergency Construction Order issued on March 18 will modify the definition of essential construction to include work associated with COVID-19 restaurant modification needed to allow them to safely reopen;
- Phase 2, beginning on June 1, will add horizontal construction, city building projects, 100% affordable housing developments, larger buildings (over 25,000 square feet) previously permitted by ISD or DPW;
- Phase 3, tentatively beginning on June 15, will add all remaining existing construction previously permitted by ISD and DPW; and
- Phase 4, tentatively beginning on June 29, will add new permits. Permits can be submitted, and pre-reviews will occur at any time, but permits will not be formally accepted or issued until this date.
For additional details on the Amended Temporary Emergency Construction Order, please click here.
Construction Notice: Surface Work to Start Spring 2020
As part of the Cottage and Lopez Drainage Improvements Project, the City’s contractor, P. Gioioso and Sons (PGS), mobilized last year to install new sewer pipes and connections, new storm drain infrastructure, and new water mains and services on Cottage Street.
The mild winter allowed them to continue working and the City is pleased to announce that PGS will complete the utility work in April 2020. Once the utility work is complete, the contractor will begin the surface work. Specifically, the curb will be re-set, the sidewalks will be re-installed with new tree wells for future planting by the City, and the road will be re-paved. This work will be announced via separate notice in the coming weeks.
The project is on schedule to be completed by November 2020.
What to Expect During Construction:
- Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
- “No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times.
- Vehicle access in and out of properties will be maintained but may be restricted for short periods. If you need access and your driveway is blocked, please speak to a crew member on site and they will make accommodations for you.
- Emergency vehicles and City service vehicles will have access at all times.
Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4870/ or Jen Letourneau / If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.
We appreciate your patience as we work to complete this important infrastructure work in the neighborhood.
Construction Update
The City’s contractor, P. Gioioso and Sons, will begin sewer and drain work at the intersection of Magazine Street and Cottage Street on January 6th.
Traffic will be restricted during work hours. Normal traffic patterns will resume at the end of each day once the work zone is cleaned up. Please use caution and follow the detour shown here. Parking restrictions will be in place on Magazine St. to allow for busses to get through.
Construction Update
The City's contractor, P. Gioioso & Sons, will fill in the trench and apply temporary pavement on Friday 12/20. Crews will clean up and condense the area. There will be no work from 12/21 through 1/6.
Construction Update
The City’s contractor, P. Gioioso & Sons, has completed the water work on Cottage Street and all homes are now connected to the new water main.
Crews will be installing several catch basins along the curb line ahead of sewer and drainage work beginning Thursday 11/7. Sewer and drainage work on Cottage street will begin at Pearl Street and continue progressively toward Magazine Street. This work is expected to continue through winter, weather permitting.
Crews will continue work on Veterans Day 11/11. This Holiday work will begin at 9AM in accordance with the City’s noise ordinance regulations.
All crews have been asked to clean up and condense the construction area in preparation for winter snow removal operations.
Construction Update
The City's contractor, P. Gioioso & Sons, will continue to work as long as possible through the winter. The next phase of work will be:
- to connect water services to the new water main on Cottage Street between Pearl Street and Magazine Street;
- to install new storm drain and sewer pipe including manholes and service connections from Cottage Street at a Pearl Street towards Magazine Street then across Magazine Street to Pleasant Street
Construction Update
Week of September 23rd: crews will finish water work on Lopez St. and move to begin water work on Cottage Ave. This work is expected to last several weeks.
Construction Notice: Water Services
The following notice went to impacted household on 8/12/2019
During construction it may be necessary to temporarily disconnect water services (only a couple of hours and not overnight). Both the Contractor and Field Engineer will make every effort to provide advance notice. However, they may not be able to predict more than a day in advance. I apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
What to Expect During Construction:
- Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
- “No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times.
- Vehicle access in and out of properties will be maintained but may be restricted for short periods. If you need access and your driveway is blocked, please speak to a crew member on site and they will make accommodations for you.
- Emergency vehicles and City service vehicles will have access at all times.
Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4870/ or Jennifer Letourneau / If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary. For more info about specific projects visit:
Construction Notice: Gas Work on Lopez St.
During construction of this project it is necessary to relocate existing utility services to avoid utility conflicts. Eversource Gas will need access to your property tomorrow, August 9th. Please provide access in order to minimize disturbance to your service.
What to Expect During Construction:
- Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
- “No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times.
- Vehicle access in and out of properties will be maintained but may be restricted for short periods. If you need access and your driveway is blocked, please speak to a crew member on site and they will make accommodations for you.
- Emergency vehicles and City service vehicles will have access at all times.
Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4870/ or Jennifer Letourneau / If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary. For more info about specific projects visit:
Construction Notice: Survey and Layout on Cottage St.
During construction it is necessary to perform survey and layout for the structures and pipe to be installed (using white spray paint). In order to successfully conduct this work safely and accurately, cars will need to be moved off the street and thru traffic will be detoured. The work is scheduled to be done between Monday, August 12th and Friday August 16th.
What to Expect During Construction:
- Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
- “No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times.
- Vehicle access in and out of properties will be maintained but may be restricted for short periods. If you need access and your driveway is blocked, please speak to a crew member on site and they will make accommodations for you.
- Emergency vehicles and City service vehicles will have access at all times.
Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4870/ or Jennifer Letourneau / If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary. For more info about specific projects visit:
Construction Update
Project Update on Street Trees:
During construction a total of 5 trees are being removed on Cottage St and Lopez St. 4 trees were removed the week of May 20, 2019 date on Cottage Street because they were dead or dying. An additional 11” red maple tree will be removed on Lopez Street (intersection of Lopez St and Brookline St) on June 26, 2019 due to damage sustained to its roots during construction.
Lopez Street Tree Removal: During excavation, the contractor cut 2 roots that were small in diameter and in conflict with the curb, following the city protocol of cleanly cutting roots less than 2” in diameter. Unbeknownst to P.Gioioso and Sons, the contractor, at the time they cut the roots, additional excavation in the area revealed that the two roots immediately joined together effectively making a larger structural root. In addition, while removing the concrete sidewalk, several roots immediately below the surface, intertwined within the concrete were damaged. While each of these individually would likely not have been structurally significant, the cumulative effect of the damage to the roots (all on the westerly side of the tree) was significant. After consulting with city arborists it was determined that the tree must be removed and is presently scheduled for removal tomorrow.
As part of the streetscape improvements a total of 20 trees will be planted on Cottage St and Lopez St. These new trees will be planted at the end of construction.
Construction Update
6/3/2019-6/7/2019: Crews will be doing test pits between Pearl St. and River St. and at Brookline St. and Pacific St.
Construction Notice: Drainage and Water Work beginning Week of May 13th
As part of the Cottage and Lopez Drainage Improvements Project, the City’s contractor, P. Gioioso and Sons (PGS), will begin mobilizing in the coming days.
PGS has been installing tree protection along the street as well as performing survey and layout work. Starting the week of May 13th, PGS will begin saw-cutting areas of the roadway and establishing laydown areas. DigSafe markings will also begin appearing on the sidewalk and roadways.
Beginning the week of May 20th, PGS will be reconstructing drainage structures at Pacific and Brookline Streets. This work is expected to last about a month, weather permitting. The next phase of work will be sewer and drain reconstruction along Lopez Street.
What to Expect During Construction:
- Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
- “No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times.
- Vehicle access in and out of properties will be maintained but may be restricted for short periods. If you need access and your driveway is blocked, please speak to a crew member on site and they will make accommodations for you.
- Emergency vehicles and City service vehicles will have access at all times.
Community Meeting Notice- Tuesday, April 30th, 6-7:30PM, Central Square Library - Lewis Room
The Cottage/Lopez Drainage Improvements Project includes new storm drain infrastructure to alleviate flooding in the Cambridgeport neighborhood as well as street and sidewalk surface repair.
On Tuesday, April 30th from 6:00-7:30 pm, the Department of Public Works will be hosting a construction open house at The Central Square Library- Lewis Room.
Engineering staff from the City and the contractor performing the work, P. Gioioso & Sons will unveil final design plans and explain the construction process. We encourage you to attend to learn about what you can expect as the construction progresses in your neighborhood over the next 18 months.
Over the next several weeks, you may start to see crews mobilizing in the area in advance of construction. They will be installing tree protection, marking out Dig Safe locations, conducting surveys and drilling into the street to determine subsurface conditions.
Additional information can be found on the project page at
Information and Assistance
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request. For more information, please contact Jennifer Letourneau, Engineer, at / 617-349-4680. To receive future updates via email, please contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager / 617-349-4870
September 2018
Community Meeting Notice- RESCHEDULED! New Date and Location
The Cottage/Lopez Drainage Improvements Project includes new storm drain infrastructure to alleviate flooding in the Cambridgeport neighborhood as well as street and sidewalk surface repair.
On Tuesday, October 16th from 6:00-7:30 pm, the Department of Public Works will be hosting a community meeting at The Central Square Library- Lewis Room. Please note, this meeting has been RESCHEDULED from Wednesday, September 26th.
This meeting is a follow up to the one held on Thursday, March 8th where we received feedback from local residents regarding street conditions. The focus of this meeting will be to discuss plans to improve the road surface conditions of the area. We encourage you to attend, as we value the feedback we receive from Cambridge residents and businesses.
Additional information can be found on the project page at
Information and Assistance
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request. For more information, please contact Jennifer Letourneau, Engineer, at / 617-349-4680. To receive future updates via email, please contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager / 617.349.4870
The Cottage/Lopez Drainage Improvements Project includes new storm drain infrastructure to alleviate flooding in the Cambridgeport neighborhood as well as street and sidewalk surface repair.
On Wednesday, September 26th from 6:00-7:30 pm, the Department of Public Works will be hosting a community meeting at the Community Learning Center -Conference Room, 5 Western Ave.
This meeting is a follow up to the one held on Thursday, March 8th where we received feedback from local residents regarding street conditions. The focus of this meeting will be to discuss plans to improve the road surface conditions of the area. We encourage you to attend, as we value the feedback we receive from Cambridge residents and businesses.
Additional information can be found on the project page at
Information and Assistance
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request. For more information, please contact Jennifer Letourneau, Engineer, at / 617-349-4680. To receive future updates via email, please contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager / 617.349.4870
April 2018
Drainage work will continue on Cottage St. for the next 3 weeks as crews work to install a new drain.
Notice: Construction at Pearl St. intersection beginning week of 3/12
The Cottage/Lopez Drainage Improvements Project includes design of new storm drain infrastructure to alleviate flooding in the Cambridgeport neighborhood. The project area includes Cottage and Lopez Streets between River St. and Brookline St. and Pearl St. between Cottage St. and Lopez St. It will be conducted in 2 phases.
- Phase 1: rehabilitation/replacement of the storm drain, sanitary sewer and sections of the water main on Pearl St. between Cottage and Lopez Street. March 2018-May 2018.
- Phase 2: rehabilitation/replacement of the storm drain, sanitary sewer and sections of the water main on Cottage and Lopez Streets. Phase 2 will also include surface reconstruction of Cottage and Lopez Streets. Summer 2018-Summer 2019.

A community meeting will be held in Fall 2018 to discuss design options for surface improvements on Cottage and Lopez Streets during Phase 2.
Phase 1 is scheduled to begin the week of March 12, 2018 (weather permitting). Please see images for traffic management plans during constructions.

Cottage St. will be closed at Magazine St. Traffic will go south on Pearl, turn west onto Lawrence, turn north on Magazine and turn west on Cottage against the wrong way. Traffic detail officers will be on premise to direct traffic.

Cottage St. remains open. Traffic detail officers will be on premise to direct traffic.

Lopez St. will be closed at Magazine St. Vehicles will enter the end of Lopez St. against the wrong way. Traffic will turn south on Pearl, turn east on Decatur, turn north on Brookline and turn east on Lopez. Traffic detail officers will be on premise to direct traffic.
What to Expect During Construction:
- General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
- Please check posted No Parking signs.
- Please follow pedestrian detour signs.
- Access to properties will be maintained, when possible.
- Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.
Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Jennifer Letourneau, Project Manager, at 617-349-4680/ or Kate Riley, Project Administrator- Community Relations, at 617-349-4870/ For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.
Notice: Cottage/Lopez Drainage Improvement Project Community Meeting, March 8th.
The Cottage/Lopez Drainage Improvements Project includes new storm drain infrastructure to alleviate flooding in the Cambridgeport neighborhood.
On Thursday, March 8th from 6:00-7:30 pm, the Department of Public Works will be hosting a community meeting at the Central Square Library, 45 Pearl St, Lewis Room, 2nd Floor.
The focus of this meeting will be to discuss the project and future improvement to streets, sidewalks and accessibility. We encourage you to attend, as we value the feedback we receive from Cambridge residents and businesses.
Additional information can be found on the project page at
Information and Assistance
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request. For more information, please contact Jennifer Letourneau, Engineer, at / 617-349-4680. To receive future updates via email, please contact Kate Riley, Project Administrator- Community Relations, / 617.349.4870
UPDATE: Storm Drain work has been postponed until Monday, February 26th.
February 2018:
Notice: Cottage and Lopez Drainage Improvement Project- Storm Drain work to begin Tuesday, February 20, 2018
As part of the Cottage and Lopez Drainage Improvement Project, crews from Stantec and National Water Main will begin cleaning and surveying 7,200 linear feet of storm drains in the area. This work will continue through the end of February.
What to Expect During Construction:
- Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
- “No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times.
- Vehicle access in and out of properties will be maintained, but may be restricted for short periods. If you need access and your driveway is blocked, please speak to a crew member on site and they will make accommodations for you.
- Emergency vehicles will have access at all times.
Impacted Streets:
- Allston St.- Magazine St. to Pearl St.
- Brookline St.- Hamilton St. to Erie St.
- Chestnut St.- Brookline St. to Sidney St.
- Cottage St. – Magazine St. to Pearl St.
- Erie St. – Pearl St. to Brookline St., Brookline St. to Albany St.
- Hamilton St. – Magazine St. to Pearl St., Brookline St. to Sidney St.
- Kelly Rd. – Pleasant St. to Magazine St.
- Lawrence St. – Magazine St. to Pearl St.
- Pearl St.- Corp McTernan St. to Hamilton St.
- Perry St. – Magazine to Pearl St.
- Putnam Ave. – Newton St. to Waverly St.
- Sidney St. – Henry St. to Erie St.
- Waverly St. – Putnam Ave. to Waverly St.
Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Project Administrator- Community Relations, at 617.349.4870/ or Jennifer Letourneau, Engineer, at 617-349-4680 / If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.
January 2018:
- Fieldwork investigations including soil borings have begun on Cottage St. and Lopez St. and will continue through February.
The Cottage/Lopez Drainage Improvements Project includes design of new storm drain infrastructure to alleviate flooding in the Cambridgeport neighborhood. Depending on the results of field investigations, the project may also include design of rehabilitation/replacement of the existing sanitary sewer and water main. The project area includes Cottage and Lopez Streets between River Street and Brookline Street.