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Cambridge Retirement Board Meeting


Sheila Tobin Conference Room
125 CambridgePark Drive, Suite 104
Cambridge, MA 02140

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Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023 adopted by Massachusetts General Court and approved by the Governor, the Cambridge Retirement System is authorized to use remote participation at meetings of the Board. This will be a hybrid meeting, held in-person at 125 CambridgePark Drive and also via videoconference. The link to join the videoconference is: https://zoom.us/j/3881768511?pwd=RWkrVmRJMnhEM0pKS0xwckFFdnlNdz09
Cambridge Retirement Board Meeting
Sheila Tobin Conference Room 125 CambridgePark Drive, Suite 104 Cambridge, MA 02140
Monday, 8/5/2024 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM ET

  1. Minutes
    Vote to consider the regular minutes of the meeting held on July 1, 2024. Vote to consider the executive session minutes of the meeting held on July 1, 2024.
  2. Warrants
    Vote to consider payment of warrant #14 in the amount of $9,563,805.56 and warrant #15 in the amount of $512,772.83.
  3. Superannuations
    Vote to consider the Superannuation retirement applications submitted by: Catherine Fosher, Administrative Assistant, Dept. of Public Works with thirty-eight years, five months; Kenneth Hight, Mechanic Aide, Housing Authority with twenty-nine years, six months; Cheryl Mason, Senior Clerk, School Dept. with thirty years, six months; Maria Melchionno, Registered Nurse, Cambridge Health Alliance with twenty-five years, seven months; John Quinn, Analyst, Assessor's Office with thirty years, seven months; George Sabbey, Lieutenant, Police Dept. with thirty-two years, four months; Roslyn Shoy, Division Head, Dept. of Human Services with forty-one years; Nancy-Linn Swain, Director of IT Education, Cambridge Health Alliance with sixteen years, eight months.
  4. Redeposits / Make-up / Liability
    Vote to consider the make-up of prior service for: 1. Karen A. Fortoul, 1 year 5 months (pro-rated) Vote to consider the redeposit of refunds for: 1. Joseph P. Kidney, 12 years 9 months (pro-rated) 2. Michayla C. MacGlashing, 1 year 5 months (pro-rated)
  5. Refund Applications
    Vote to consider twelve refund applications submitted in July.
  6. Accidental Disability Application - Samuel Bynoe
    Vote to consider the Accidental Disability application filed by Samuel Bynoe, Motor Equipment Operator in the Dept. of Public Works. Mr. Bynoe is represented by Attorney Morgan Gray.
  7. Accidental Disability Benefit - Joanne Masiello
    Vote to consider the reports of the medical panel in the application for Accidental Disability benefits filed by Joanne Masiello, Cafeteria Helper in the School Dept. Ms. Masiello is represented by Attorney Joseph McKenna.
  8. GASB Statements
    Vote to consider acceptance of GASB Statements #67 and 68.
  9. PERAC Auditors' Report
    Vote to consider any further action in response to the final report of the 2017-2021 PERAC audit.
  10. Reorganization of Office Staff
    Vote to consider a change in job description and salary schedule for Eileen Hayes.
  11. PERAC Memos
    PERAC Memo #18 re: Audit Process Via PROSPER
  12. Old Business
  13. New Business
    The Board may discuss items which were unanticipated at the time that the agenda was created.
  14. Executive Session
  15. Chairman's Report
  16. Executive Director's Report
  17. FYI
    List of Retirees who died in July 2024 BLB&G Portfolio Monitoring Report, 2Q 2024 Correspondence from Christopher Lodge re: PTG Organization Update Correspondence from Elizabeth Unger, Purchasing Agent re: Vendor Outreach for Goods and Services May Financials: General Ledger, Summary of Accounts, Trial Balance, Adjustments, Cash Disbursements, Cash Receipts, Wire Transfers, Bank Reconciliation.
Page was posted on 7/30/2024 4:05 PM
Page was last modified on 9/26/2024 5:10 PM
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