Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission
Agenda: 2023-09-28
Co-Chairs: Bill Barnert and Frank Arce
Tonight’s meeting chaired by: Frank Arce
Congratulations to Carolina Almonte
Appointed Acting Executive Director of the Human Rights Commission, the LGBTQ+ Commission, and the Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship
Assign Minute Taker
Approve / Modify Agenda
Approve Previous Minutes
Check in question options: What is something good in your life? What is something you are looking forward to? Why did you join the LGBTQ+ Commission? What is a fact about you that you like to share?
Project Updates (current actions, and plans) including reports from Carolina, Amelia, Sarah, & Phoebe
Amendments to Protect Family Inclusion and Relationship Diversity – Overview and discussion on recommendations that were forwarded to the full City Council for discussion after the Ordinance Committee hearing.
LGBTQ+-friendly Housing Task Force – Recap of kick off meeting and goals of the Task Force (Meeting was 9/19)
In-person vs. virtual Commission meetings (if in person, a hybrid option will be provided, CA speaking with IT about technology options) – What is the preference?
Working Group Reports
Housing - Update and discussion on Housing Working Group letter to the city council in support of legalizing households of more than 3 unrelated people.
Pride Brunch
Public Health & Safety - Update on meeting with Police Commissioner Elow
Youth - Youth Working Group is about to start interviewing all the local GSA’s to continue work that was started prior to the pandemic shut down. The group currently comprises four people (Noe Kamelamela, Amelia Joselow, Frank Arce, Bill Barnert).
8. Old Business
9. New Business
Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR) - Mon, Nov 20, 2023. Belmont is doing something. Do we want to do something else, or just publicize Belmont’s?
National Coming Out Day Panel Sponsored by Belmont LGBTQ+ Alliance: Join us in celebration and support of our LGBTQ+ community in Belmont. On National Coming Out Day, we will hear from four Belmont panelists about their coming out experience.
Cambridge LGBTQ+ Community Picnic - Who wants to help plan?
10. Report from Rainbows Across Communities
11.Public Comments/ Announcements
12. Next Commission Meeting: Thursday, October 26, 6-7:30 (Zoom or Location TBA)
To register for the meeting or to participate in public comment visit:
For more information regarding Zoom technology visit: