Displaying 10 results
4:00 PM
Cambridge Redevelopment Authority
4:00 PM
4:00 PM
Cambridge Cemetery, 76 Coolidge Avenue. Memorial site inside main gate
The City of Cambridge invites community members to join Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui and City Manager Louis A. DePasquale for the dedication of the City’s COVID-19 Remembrance Memorial
5:30 PM
Regular Meeting of the Cambridge Housing Authority
6:00 PM
In front of Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA
Join the City of Cambridge for a candlelight vigil to commemorate the Massachusetts women, men, and children who lost their lives to domestic violence since last October.
6:00 PM
The Department of Public Works and the City’s Community Development Department will be hosting a virtual community meeting on Wednesday, October 27th from 6PM-7:30PM to discuss the Centre Street and Dana Street Reconstruction Projects.
6:00 PM
Join us for the 4th meeting of the Climate Crisis Working Group (CCWG).
6:00 PM
We invite you to join us on for a virtual community meeting to discuss reconstruction of these streets.
6:00 PM
Regular Meeting of the Police Review & Advisory Board
6:45 PM
The Center for Families and the Cambridge Public Library invite Cambridge children birth through age 8 and their grownups to join us on Zoom for songs, stories, and rhymes to wind down the day.
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM