Displaying 12 results
8:00 AM
Monthly meeting of the Recycling Advisory Committee
11:00 AM
City Hall, 2nd Floor Sullivan Chamber, 795 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
The Health and Environment Committee-CANCELED
11:30 AM
City Hall, 2nd Floor Ackermann Room, 795 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
The City Auditor Search Committee
12:00 PM
You are invited to learn about the City's Affordable Rental and Homeownership Programs at an information session presented by the Housing Division of the Community Development Department
5:30 PM
Regular Meeting of the Bicycle Committee.
5:30 PM
Cambridge Housing Authority Regular Meeting
5:30 PM
Join the Committee on Public Planting for their monthly meeting, Wednesday, May 11th 5:30PM-7PM.
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
Virtual Meeting
Monthly Meeting
6:00 PM
The Department of Public Works and the City’s Community Development Department will be hosting a virtual community meeting on Wednesday, May 11th from 6PM-7:30PM to discuss the Centre Street and Dana Street Reconstruction Projects.
6:00 PM
City Hall, 2nd Floor Sullivan Chamber, 795 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
The Finance Committee
6:30 PM
Kendall/MIT Open Space, 292 Main Street
Soak in the spring with local sounds, refreshments, and friends, presented in collaboration with HipStory.
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM