Displaying 9 results
10:00 AM
Ahern Field, Fulkerson Street, Cambridge
Join us at Ahern Field for crafts, chalk drawing, face painting, bubbles, and more.
10:00 AM
Greene-Rose Heritage Park, Harvard St. at Windsor St. Cambridge
Join us at Greene-Rose Park for crafts, chalk drawing, face painting, bubbles, and more.
10:00 AM
Riverside Press Park, River Street, at the corner of Memorial Drive, Cambridge
Join us at Riverside Park for crafts, chalk drawing, face painting, bubbles, and more.
12:00 PM
Greene-Rose Heritage Park, Harvard Street, Cambridge
Book Bike visits 5 parks in the summer to distribute free books to Cambridge children of all ages, in conjunction with DHSP's Summer Food program.
12:30 PM
Learn about participating in our CNA Training Programs for English language learners at this information session! We will meet at 5 Western Avenue in Cambridge.
5:00 PM
Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, 459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Regular Meeting of the School Committee
6:00 PM
Danehy Park
Enjoy free live music at this family-friendly outdoor music event.
6:00 PM
Our third community meeting to discuss safety improvements for people biking and walking on Garden Street between Huron Avenue and Mason Street.
6:30 PM
City of Cambridge Planning Board Meeting
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM