Displaying 16 results
9:00 AM
Seniors, come and practice meditation to help reduce stress. This class is virtual.
9:30 AM
Community Learning Center, 5 Western Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
Sign up for free English (ESOL) classes and take a placement test.
10:00 AM
Thursday, December 1, 2022
11:00 AM
retirement board investment review meeting
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
Seniors, no experience or big camera needed. This is an in-person event.
1:30 PM
Seniors, learn basic steps and movements aimed at improving balance. This class is virtual.
3:00 PM
Seniors, in this gentle class, we practice the basic elements of yoga. This class is virtual.
3:30 PM
Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
Seniors, this is a low impact, easy to follow, safe dance class. This is an in-person event.
5:30 PM
City Hall Annex, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 344 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
Akriti Bhambi Vacancy Recount
5:30 PM
Regular meeting of the Transit Advisory Committee
6:00 PM
Board of Zoning Appeal Meeting
6:00 PM
Cambridge Historical Commission Meeting
6:00 PM
December meeting of the Cambridge Human Rights Commission
6:30 PM
Board of Zoning Appeal Meeting
6:30 PM
Learn about how to save money on your energy bills this winter.
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM