Displaying 12 results
9:30 AM
Seniors, this muscle conditioning class focuses on high repetitions with light or no weight. This class is virtual.
10:00 AM
Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
Seniors, are you looking to improve balance, release tension and access serenity. This class is in-person.
10:30 AM
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
11:00 AM
Seniors, come learn basic Tai Chi principles with gentle movements of Chi Kung. This class is virtual.
12:00 PM
Affordable Housing Information Session
12:30 PM
City Hall, 2nd Floor Sullivan Chamber, 795 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
The Economic Development and University Relations Committee
1:30 PM
Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
Seniors, this is a low impact, easy to follow, safe dance class. This is an in-person event.
3:00 PM
Seniors, this is a basic yoga class. A chair is used for seated and standing support. This class is virtual.
5:30 PM
Monthly meeting of the Citizens' Committee on Civic Unity Meeting for April 2023
6:00 PM
Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, 459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Regular Meeting of the School Committee
6:00 PM
Community Learning Center, 5 Western Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
Learn about our Reading/Writing, Math and Science classes for adults.
9:00 PM
Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, 459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Special Meeting of the School Committee
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM